Disclaimer COP – Sugar This is Spinal Tap – a mockumentary of a fictional 1980s heavy metal band – was released 37 years ago today. Some of the younger PAX had never seen the movie and struggled to understand hilariousness of the movie quotes and/or references to phrases such as “These go to
Category: Johnson City
The 80’s Called…
The perfect number of 8 PAX showed their “True Colors” and came out on a cool clear day to get back their “Eye of the Tiger”. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Side Straddle Hops – Willie Mays Hayes – Imperial Walkers – Hill Billy Walkers – Through the Tunnel – LBC THE
Easy like Saturday morning
6 pax arrived on a rain free but soggy Saturday morning for a guaranteed burpee free workout DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH, wmh, TTT, slow squat, imperial walker, lbac, merkins THE THANG pax took off on a leisurely stroll around the AO carrying a coupon to string some pearls at various
Tachycardia at the Range
Disclaimer COP – Sugar Cool 44 degrees. 12 PAX started their Friday morning off right. YHC was looking forward to bringing a beatdown at the Range for the first time. Heard it is polite to bring a gift when you’re invited to someplace for the first time so I brought
Resistance band inspired workout
9 pax worked. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Mosey to playground. Toy Soldiers, Inchworms, Slow squats did it. THE THANG Inspired by my recent acquisition of some resistance bands (tough to pull at the ends but easy in the middle), I made a workout. Mosey to the playground. Start at the benches
Pythagorean Triples
Perfect 34 degree morning. Not too hot, not too cold… just right ! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The normal warm up exercises, nothing fancy. THE THANG A little lesson in some of the numbers that satisfy the Pythagorean Theorem. PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLES 3-4-5 3 – HR Merkins 4 – BWO Merkins(LR=1) 5
Chilly clear day for 9 PAX to honor America through music and exercise. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 20 SSH – 10 Willie Mays Hayes – 10 LBC and Reverse THE THANG While one PAX performed the below exercises the other PAX ran 75 yards and performed 5 Merkins and ran back.
Stolen Chipper
6 Pax braved the wind and 41-degree temp to complete a stolen Chipper YHC found on the back blasts from last week. Really the 41 was quite warm compared to the last few weeks, but the wind did add a nice discomfort to the Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Since YHC
Searching for hills
10 PAX unsacked for an alleged “heat wave.” DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Lap around the track High Knees to the 20 and back Butt Kickers to the 20 and back THE THANG YHC heard rumors that there were hills around the AO. PAX went searching for these hills in an Indian
The Range Has Hills – Winter Convergence 2021
51 PAX from the seven AOs from across the NE Tennessee region gathered at The Range on a clear but cold 23 degree morning to celebrate Winter Convergence with a tour of the host AO’s most popular hills. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The seven AOQs led warm up. LBAC (F and