11 PAX came out on a warm 51 degree clear morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 8 TTT IC X 10 Imperial Walkers IC x20 Hillbilly Walkers IC x10 THE THANG Mosey to the bottom of the big hill. You know, the big one. 10 Monkey Humpers. Mosey to the
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Prison Break
14 doods showed up for some gorgeous weather. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG Partner up and select your coupon. Partner 1: Repeat until relieved 15 Merkins 15 Weighted Squats 15 Overhead Presses 15 Rows Partner 2: Relief route Bear crawl between the lighted cones 20
Celebrating the SoCon Champs
18 pax celebrated the ETSU Men’s Basketball Team’s SoCon Championship and 30 win season in the 55 degree, slightly damp and windy gloom. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Chumbaburpees THE THANG Using the alphabet workout my 12 year old 2.2 found on Pinterest, spell ETSU BUCCANNEERS, with a stair lap in between
45 degrees. A light sprinkle. Perfect conditions for a workout DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 10 LBAC (IC) forward 20 reverse 20 THE THANG WOD 1 – 15 minute EMOM MIN 1 block swings-20 min 2 Merkins-15 min 3 burpees-10 R&R x 5 Mosey to skate park for WOD 2
Three 11s and a 20
8 Pax came out Immortal Station this morning. Temperature was around 32 degrees with a little wind. The originally scheduled snotwaggler from Rudy was rescheduled to March 21st so that he and several others could head to the Cookeville area and help with tornado relief efforts. YHC stepped in to
Shamelessly Stolen 10 x 10
45 degrees, 11 PAX, weather better than Tuesday morning’s! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 15 IC Merkin x 10 IC TTT x 10 IC Mosey lap around the parking lot. THE THANG QIC saw this workout in a BB and it sounded like a great time! Set 10 cones through
Fun at Hotel Hill
It was an awesome morning for some work. There wasn’t any rain in the forecast and it was about 41 degrees. It was a nice morning for some hill work. DISCLAIMER – Complete PRAYER – Prayed COP For warmup, we jogged between the parking lot islands. We did a light
Bear Crawls, Broad Jumps and Bridge Laps
It was a chilly Feb. morning, but nothing a few PAX couldn’t handle. DISCLAIMER – GivenPRAYER – DoneCOP – Check 50 X SSH IC 10 X TTT IC 15 X 2-Count Slow Jump Squat IC 10 Sec WMH Left and Right IC THE THANG2 Rounds of different exercises and movements. The
Something for Everyone / Quasi-Kilo 5K
12 PAX gathered in the cool but dry 40 degree gloom. Glorious weather for a Q with something for everyone… Merkins, running, and even some pull-ups to keep Donatello from getting bored. DISCLAIMER PRAYER Warmorama: Side Straddle Hops IC x 10 TTT x 9 because YHC has trouble counting to
Dora and More Partner Work
44 degrees. 10 PAX came out to get better.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSSH x25LBAC x15 forward x10 reverseTTT x10IW x205 Burpees OYOTHE THANGMosey to Tombstone Hill for Dora100 Merkins200 BBSU300 Rows P1 exerciseP2 farmer carries both coupons to 2nd light pole Mosey back to Amphitheater10 Partner BBSU Coupon Pass10 Partner Merkins Coupon Pass Thru Rinse