A cold, blustery winter morning at 30° makes for a perfect environment to do something stupid. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 40 IC LBACs x 20 IC (Forwards & Backwards) Frankensteins x 15 IC Willie Mays Hayes 10 secs, L & R Seal Claps x 20 IC Merkins x 10
Category: Northeast Tennessee
40 Practices
11 Pax showed up on a balmy Ash Wednesday for the first Range Q at 5:15 instead of the old 5:30 start time. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WarmUp 40 SSH (20 IC) 39 Imperial Walkers (19 IC + 1) 38 LBA Circles (19 IC F & B) 37 Slow Squat (18
Yep it happened 2/25/20 – WR
12 Pax 45 and drizzle The pax came, they saw, they conquered. Bats were flipped
The Fellowship Q
Immortal Station 2nd F Q: The Fellowship Q 12 PAX came out in 19 degrees to partake in the Fellowship Q. Our focus was on the 2nd F of F3 and all exercises were partner-minded. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSHs (IC) – 30 / Bat Wings (IC) – 20 (LBAC Forward, LBAC
Maybe No Running
At 44 degrees and no rain, 12 Pax join YHC in a meandering, make it up on the spot Q. There were also three ruckers wandering around getting some miles. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 Imperial Walkers 15 IC Mericans 10 IC Slow Squats 10 IC LBAC 20
Needs Assessment
An informal needs assessment was conducted on the three PAX who braved the 21 degrees at the beginning of the workout. The assessment simply asked, what do you wish you could do better? Answers: pull-ups, pushups, running. So here we go… DISCLAIMER COP SSH IC x20 Imperial Walkers IC x15
A Mobile Game of Cards
7 PAX braved the 25 degree weather to put in some hard work on a chilly Friday morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 Imperial Walkers IC X20 TTT IC x11 SSH IC X20 THE THANG PAX moseyed to the bottom of the Range parking lot for a mobile game
The Immortal Triangle
It was an awesome 38 degree morning for 6 PAX to give everything they had. The workout required a lot of running, legs, and shoulders. As a few of us were running, we realized we need walkie talkies to be able to communicate with Honeysuckle! He was flying!! He is
Ascending AMRAPs
15 Pax came out for my AMRAP Q. It was in the 40s but we warmed up fast! DISCLAIMER COP Stair lap SSHx20 TTTx10 LBACs x10 forward LBACs x10 Backwards 2 BOPOs OYO THE THANG Pax partnered up for some AMRAPS. Each exercise was AMRAP for 5 minutes. First Pax
4 Corners
Nice 43 degrees, the rain stopped, but the ground was still wet. 14 Pax unsacked to join in the fun. DISCLAIMER I am not a professional. Modify as needed. PRAYER Let us put in work, keep us safe, and bless us as we go into the world. COP YHC knew