TEMP: 27 degrees and 24 by the time we left TIME: 0700 DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WARMUP: SSH x30 IC Merkins x15IC Imperial Walkers x15IC Hillbilly Walkers x15IC LBAC x20IC LBAC in Rev x20IC TTT x15IC Willie Mays Hayes x15IC THE THANG PAX established their baseline physical performance on the listed exercises.
Category: Northeast Tennessee
The extended warmup
There were some doods. The doods worked hard. It was really cold – maybe 15 degrees, and windy, which this dood was not prepared for an was under-dressed. Therefore, we moved a lot to keep the Q from hypothermia. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The warmup was extended and active. We loved
Triple Dog Dare
Gloomy morning, fog and mid 30’s, a hate wave compared to the previous few weeks. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 Abe Vigoda (IC) X 10 WMH 10 count each side LBACs forward (IC) X 41, then reverse (IC) X 40, Chinooks (IC) X 20 Imperial Walkers (IC) X
Goodness! Gracious! Great quads of fire!!!
After weeks of brutal cold temperatures, 22 PAX unassed the sack to get better in the 42 degree gloom of Arrowhead. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP YHC has been out a few weeks and apparently was a little rusty on directing the flow of the warm-up. Fortunately, PAX are understanding and encouraged
Sudden Spring
It was an unusually balmy mid-January Thursday morning in the mid 40’s and many of the 16 Pax showed up bearing skin on their legs and arms for the first time in weeks. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Imperial Walker x10 Willie Mays Hayes x10 Through the Tunnel x10 Little Baby Arm
Side Straddle Hops, Anyone?
N9 pax braved the drizzly, fairly warm (37 degree) gloom to break away from the complacency of the Status Quo! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 to get the blood flowing. TTT x 15 Abe Bigoda/Windmills/Don Quixote x 15 Imperial Walkers x 15 THE THANG The Thang today was
Workin’ in the Warm Weather
Gentlemen, it it felt great out there today. It was dark and 36 degrees, but it might as well have been sunny and 65. What a welcome reprieve. So, where were all you bums who have been holding out for warmer weather? It should still be around on Thursday, so
Carry Me! says the Blue Blob
We said good morning to 34 degrees and misting rain. Nice to have a double digit temp workout for a change! 4 PAX showed up for the Fun. DISCLAIMER – Wilbur PRAYER COP Motivators from 5, Mericans x 10, Imperial Walkers x 10, SSH x 15, LBAC Fwd/Rev/Overhead x 10, Mericans
The Gambler
3 PAX posted for a balmy 7* morning, Little Debbie on Q DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator w/ cold-induced miscounting followed by Mountain Climbers THE THANG 10 rounds of the following: Do whatever shows up on the exercise dice which included multiple rounds of plank and X jumps Jog across parking lot
6 Degrees of IronHorse
14 PAX braved the 6 degree balminess of IronHorse to put in hard work. It was cold…but only for about 5 minutes. Heart rates were up…and stayed up for about an hour. Not gonna lie…it was nice for YHC to Q at the Horse. Been awhile. Weather: Clear and 6