64 degrees in the dark gloom under the starry skies of Arrowhead AO. We thought we would continue the ruck friendly theme. Those with rucks brought them. Those without sweated and groaned, as well. Note: Missing two PAX – send me a note if your name is not listed! DISCLAIMER
Category: Northeast Tennessee
The Circle of Encouragement (and pain), Part Deux
15 men and 60 really, really ridiculously humid degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Stair Lap Through The Tunnel 10 IC Side Straddle Hops 20 IC Merkins 10 IC Squat Wall Jumps 10 IC Merkins 7 IC Dips 20 IC Merkins 5 IC THE THANG Since the majority of the PAX weren’t
15 PAX met in the 62 degree humidity at Arrowhead AO, blocks in hand. The most attractive block was, of course, Clemson Orange with the attractive F3 logo on one side and the universally recognizable Tiger Paw on the other. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Warm-Up The motivator from 8 Through
18 PAX – humid morning – good for a lot of sweat DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 15 IC – TTT x 10IC, IW x 15IC, Windmills x 10IC (somewhat), Merkin x 15IC, 5min Mosey to Tombstone Hill THE THANG B.O.M.B.S. – continuous reps with partner – 1 Pax runs
Let the Mid-life Crisis Begin
Time 0530 Weather: Hot and Muggy DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Side Straddle Hops-40 Imperial Walkers-20 Little Baby Arm Circles-20 Each Way Mosey Hillbilly Walkers-15 Merkins-10 in cadence Don Quixotes-15 Peter Parkers-15 Motivator from 7 THE THANG On this, YHC’s 40th birthday, it was important to commemorate the event in some way.
A Little of This and a Little of That
YHC took the Q due to impending weather. I needed an little extra push out of the bed and into the (ultimately not so gloomy) gloom. Conditions 75 and a little breezy. Felt like waking up at the beach, to be honest. DISCLAIMER: Kardashian PRAYER: Kardashian Warmup: SHH x15 IC
Pre Dollywood Warm up 10/7
5 Strong in good weather (Wilbur, CatFish, Snapper, ElChapo, Trolley) DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Tunnel 10 IC Arm Circ 10 Each Direction IC Light Mosey back to the Circle 6 Min of Movement, 30 Sec Each 3 Times Through Merk / Side Strat Hop / Mount Climb / Bobby Hurley (Go
TIME: 0600 TEMP: 58F DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WARMUP SSH x30IC Mountain Climbers x20IC Squat Jumps x15IC Plank Jacks x20IC High Knees x40IC Merkins x10IC LBAC x20IC (and Rev) Arm Pretzels x20IC THE THANG Coupon Interval Work (Pair up) Routine 1 Partner 1: Speed Skater Lunges Partner 2: Cusak / Genuines:
VQ with Ring of Fire bear crawls and AMRAP across the field
In the Gloom, on a perfect 58 degrees, 16 men gave up their sleep to join a VQ. The work was done. DISCLAIMER PRAYER-Swingline COP Side Straddle Hops 10 IC…sort of TTT 10 IC Imperial Walkers 20 IC Flutter Kicks 20 IC LBACs 15 IC LBACs Reverse IC Merkins 10
Testing DORA 1-2-3, 1-2, 1
12 pax (2 FNGs) gathered at IronHorse this morning in what could be considered ideal DORA conditions. Temp = 53 degrees; Conditions = dry…we need rain. YHC likes prescription DORA 1-2-3. It does YHC’s body good. YHC likes the 100yd sprint, likes the core exercises, YHC just likes it. This