5 PAX came out on a beautiful and muggy morning to start the day off right and burn some calories before eating waffles and pancakes! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Imperial Walkers x15 – Hillbilly Walkers x15 – Willie Mays Hayes x10 – TTT x5 – Arm Pretzels x5 – LBAC x5
Category: Northeast Tennessee
I Guess it was Leg Day
Mid 60s with a decent amount of humidity. 8 PAX joined the fun to experience a Q put together during the 11th hour by YHC. Wasn’t necessarily intentional, but in retrospect, today felt like a solid leg day. Let’s see how we walk tomorrow. DISCLAIMER COP SSH IC x20 Abe
64 degrees. 17 PAX. 54 Cards. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter Starter LBAC(ic). -15 Through The Tunnel – IC – 10 WILLY MAYS HAYES – 10 COUNT TO EACH SIDE THE THANG Deck of Death Hearts – Squat Thrusts Diamonds-KB Swings Clubs – Hand release Merkins Spades – Curls Jokers –
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 8 PAX and 1 Wall. Enough said. Warm Up TTT 10 IC Slow squats 10 IC LBAC forward 10 IC LBAC reverse 10 IC Merkins 10 IC BOPOvators from 5 The Thang Wall-RA – a lazy DORA using a wall. Partner 1 wall sits while Partner
Back to School – Ranger’s 3 R’s
A little wet precipitation greeted 14 PAX as they rolled into the Range on an otherwise perfect Friday but quickly moved out to reveal a pretty vivid sunrise at the Range as the PAX went back to school. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Kardashian and YHC co-Q’d today with Kardashian getting things
Back to School
Insert optional info about the weather, number of pax, etc. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WMH L/R Hillbilly Walkers x 10 LBAC F/R x 10 Other arm and leg stretches THE THANG Pretty simple…each grade was represented by an exercise. Start with kindergarten only on round 1. Round 2 is 1st grade
Extensive Use of the Block
The temperature today was not memorable so I don’t think it had an effect on the suck that was to come. 4 PAX brought their block under the impression they will get their $1.97-worth, or whatever was paid for such equipment. DISCLAIMER COP Mountain man poopers IC x10 Sticky butt
Whiplash’s Deck of Death
18 PAX got their feet on the floor and made it out the door for fitness. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x31 TTT X7 100 Burpees as an AO LBAC/RLBAC x10 Imperial Walkers IC x15 THE THANG The PAX played cards. Heart – Run a lap around the soccer field. Number
11 pax lifted and moved some things
On a humid and foggy morning 10 pleasant pax plus 1 grumpy one posted to put in some work. DISCLAIMER COP ssh, imperial walker, ttt, Abe vigoda, lbac, slow merkins, sticky butt kickers THE THANG Pax instructed to grab coupon and mosey to playground Rounds 1/3 and rounds 2/4
Week of July 19-23
Most Pax were returning from out of town trips. We had appearances by Lite Bright (M and W), Telegram (M, W, F) GoldDust (W and F) Ripcord (F) Wolfgang – FNG (F) and Jar Jar (M, W, F) DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT LBACs SSH IW Stretching THE THANG Monday –