Was a brisk 67 degrees this morning. Where 27 men chose to put feet to earth and get better DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP – SSH 20 IC TTT 10 IC We were slightly interrupted by an exorbitantly long Burpee train to help, in case we were not warm. THE THANG Tabata
Tag: Apple Butter
Kardashian’s da BOMBS
Nice mid 60s gloom made great conditions for 30 pax to put in some work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warmup SSH X20 IC DQ X15 IC IW X15 IC Mericans X10 IC LBAC X10 <> IC (lift a foot off the ground) THE THANG Indian run around Wild Wing Cafe down
GoRuck Style Workout, but I’m not doing a GoRuck Event
56 degrees and 21 men decided to make the choice to make themselves better DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivators from 7 TTT x 15 IC Merican x10 IC Squats x 10 IC Imperial Walkers x 15 THE THANG 20 Squats with ruck/block over head 20 4-count Flutter Kicks 20 Ruck/Block
Run and Reps
23 PAX took to the grounds at Iron Horse on a muggy, drizzly 60 degree morning to put in some work. Several ruckers and runners already on-site for some pre-bootcamp action. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 IC LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Reverse – 10
AMRAPPIN to the beat of the beeps
24 pax DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC x 20, TTT IC x 15, slow squat IC x 15, LBAC IC x 15 fwd and x15 rev, Merkin IC x10, IMP Walkers IC x 15 THE THANG AMRAP for 1 min with 20 sec rest/transition with partner and switch exercises for
Welcome everybody to the GUNSHOW
Ten Pax showed up in the literal gloom of a particularly foggy morning for a good ‘ol 2A beat down. DISCLAIMER Warm Up: The Motivator, from 10 Hilbilly Walkers x15 Hand-release Merkins x 10 Bataan Death March around the outside sidewalk of the park THE THANG Since it was Second
1 Year Anniversary and repeat 1 post to F3
I joined 22 other pax to lead them in a repeat Q from my first post to F3. It was a gloomy 70 degree morning with a chance of slimy nasty gunk DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators X 7 TTT X 15 DQ X 15 @ 3000 RPMs Mericans X 5
Luck of the Draw….UNO
22 Pax gather on a brisk July morning. DISCLAIMER Pax picked a partner of similar athleticism and physical ability and played one round of Rock-Paper-Scissors, with the winners forming a team and the losers forming a team (for future, this is a pretty good way to divide evenly). Channeling his
Bernies, Bears and Crabs
It was 67 degrees when 18 pax unsacked themselves to become better! Now their happy for it! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 Squats x10 Sprinkler to the left x10 Sprinkler to the right x10 Merkin x 10 Flutter kicks x20 THE THANG Mosey to the Tombstone Hill for
Reliving the Launch
Over two years ago, YHC experienced his first dose of F3 courtesy of Ranger, Field Goal, and several other traveling SC PAX. On that day, F3 NETN was officially launched. YHC couldn’t recall the exact details of the Q, other than recalling Ranger led merkins about every other exercise. This