Disclaimer COP – Sugar 6 PAX climbed out of bed on a 28 degree cool morning for a classic beatdown. 2 additional PAX were sighted rucking around Ironhorse. Warm Up TTT IC x 10 WMH IC 10 Imperial Walkers IC x 10 LBAC forward IC x 10 LBAC reverse IC
Tag: Crampon (R)
Ten Things, Ten Things, Ten Things…
3 Pax came out to the frozen tundra of Iron Horse on a breezy 17 degree Saturday morning with blocks in hand to do some things. Crampon was glad to finally be back in his home climate. Strong work, men! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 30 or 40, TTT x
A Salute to the year 2011, ’cause 2021 stunk
10 rose from slumber in the golden week between Christmas and New Years. It is unseasonably warm but, no one is complaining DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Since we just missed a train, 10 burpees OYO, TTT to 11, SSH to 11 THE THANG Q remembers this time of year, as where,
Did not feel like 23 for long
It was cold and many comments were made about the temperature. YHC intended the temperature to be irrelevant quickly. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Alternate 25 SSH’s with 5 Burpees until all agreed it was starting to warm up. THE THANG Proceed to tombstone hill and work off a double 11 Bottom
Veterans Day 11/11
9 PAX gathered on a beautiful 47 degree morning on Veterans Day (11/11) – a day to honor all who have served in the military to defend our country. DISCLAIMER PRAYER – Sugar Warm Up Merkins 11 IC TTT 11 IC Abe Vigoda 11 IC LBAC forward 11 IC LBAC
Triangle Circuit w/ an Ironhorse
Disclaimer Prayer COP – Kardashian & ABACABB 7 PAX gathered on a beautiful 48 degree morning for 45 minutes. Kardashian and ABACABB CoQed a beautiful circuit around the Wild Wing Cafe. Warm-up SSH x19 IC Slow Squats x9 IC LBAC x19 IC Visit from our name sake. Shoulder Pretzel x9
When the QIC is MIA
Disclaimer COP 4 PAX arrived and Apple Butter was QIC, but he was a no show. Turns out he doesn’t remember when to set his alarm. Joanna had the scoop that Apple Butter had planned the Murph, so we went with it. Joanna led the warm-ups. Warm-up SSH IC x
Killer Bs
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 7 PAX arrived on a pleasant 63 degree morning for Killer Bs on the great field. Didn’t expect it to be so wet though… as Donatello is credited to saying, “you only get wet once”. Warm-up SSH IC x 20 LBAC reverse IC x 10 Ab
Dora: The Musical
A clear cool morning allowed for 8 pax to learn about extended remixes. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Danger Zone, Kenny Loggins: SSH until you hear the words “Danger Zone”; then a burpee for a total of about 21. Flower, Moby Up and Down as instructed – 1/2 the song: Squats; 1/2
Tape on the Die
15 PAX gathered at the amphitheater with coupons ready to get stronger and become better HIM thanks to a 12-sided die with a new tape job. DISCLAIMER PRAYER – Sugar Warm Up SSH 50 IC Merkins 10 IC LBAC forward 15 IC LBAC reverse 15 IC Merkins 10 IC SSH