15 PAX unsacked their arse to workout in a nice, muggy 70 degrees morning. DISCLAIMER Motivator from 5 Little baby arm circles (IC) 10 through the tunnel (IC) -10 WMH – 10 count hold to each side mosey a lap THE THANG 2 Rounds 2 minutes of work/30 seconds Side
Tag: Jake
Back to basics. And the prison yard workout.
Dark. 55 degrees. Perfect weather for a beatdown. 12 doods gon make me lose my mind, up in here. DISCLAIMER COP Warmed up with a mosey along the way to the playground. THE THANG (stolen from the indefatigable Honeysuckle) Partner up (social distanced, of course). Partner 1: claim 2 parking
Bernie Sanders is the Alternative
6 Pax came to enjoy an alternative to the Virtual Spartan. A little cloudy and perfect weather. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 5 – TTH – Willie May Hayes. THE THANG Teams of 2 pax worked together to reach cumulative exercise goals of reps for each of the below exercises.
A Not-So Shuffled Deck
Beautiful warm day, with the sunrise appearing early in our workout – block required – 9 in attendance DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 1 Mosey around the track 10 Through the Tunnel 15x Little Baby Arm circles (forward and backward) Hillybilly Walkers THE THANG 52 Deck of Cards Work out in Circle
AO tour that went from grate to grate
10 pax including 3 FNG’s showed up on a perfect 50° morning for a redux of the ao tour q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh x15 ic abe vigoda x10 ic wmh x10 ic imperial walker x10 ic lbac x10 ic forward and reverse. slow merkins x10 ic THE THANG Pax
Turning it up to 11s
9 doods. Soggy 60 degree morning. DISCLAIMER COP We warmed up. THE THANG Mosey to playground for deconstructed Murph: 11s – diamond merkins and underdogs on the swings 11s – jump squats and sphinx crunches (2:1) 10 – Jack Webbs to 10 MARY 30 Flutter Kicks IC, Boat Canoe. CIRCLE
Miserable Mile
7 Pax came on a wonderful cool and dry Thursday morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 10 SSH- Mosey to South End- 10 Imperial Walkers – Mosey to Start THE THANG In honor of Jester’s No Mercy Mile, we modified since no one can compete with the intellectual prowess of Jester and
A little bit ‘o everything
A dozen pax made their way back to arrowhead for the first official weekday post following the mandatory hiatus. DISCLAIMER COP Ssh x15ic WMH done the proper way Abe Vigoda x10ic Imperial Walker x10ic LBAC f&r x10ic slow merkin x10 THE THANG In order to stay true to the intent
46 degrees as the Arrowhead flag planted for the first time in about a month. Being more mindful of our space, 7 PAX joined to fun. Good to see Pedialyte rucking the AO. DISCLAIMER We acknowledged the risk of being here COP SSH IC x20 LBAC IC x10 Forward and
Prison Break
14 doods showed up for some gorgeous weather. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG Partner up and select your coupon. Partner 1: Repeat until relieved 15 Merkins 15 Weighted Squats 15 Overhead Presses 15 Rows Partner 2: Relief route Bear crawl between the lighted cones 20