2 PAX showed up on a warm spring Monday morning and had their climbing gear ready! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH Sticky Butt Kickers LBAC (frontwerds & backerds) TTT THE THANG Today’s Thang was a simple ladder that was designed to keep the group together. After each exercise, PAX that would
Tag: Spam
Focus and Push
Didn’t know what to expect, something told me the numbers would be low this am. So I figured I’d create a WiB that I could do by myself or with a partner. Spam never disappoints. DISCLAIMER COP We did some warm up things THE THANG 8 exercises, 1 min each.
A magnificent 7 for Murph training
On this perfectly cool May morn a magnificent seven; not sure if our particular group qualified as The Magnificent Seven, but we gathered none the less. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda imperial walkers sticky butt kickers mtn man poopers ttt inch worm merkins THE THANG Evidently someone somewhere decreed
20 Years Ago, It Was 2003
9 Pax joined together on a dark morning in the upper 40s. Just last week it was 20 years since YHC graduated college. And with an event like that, there’s only one thing to do….make a themed Q around it. Musical accompaniment included some of the top hits from 2003.
Mini-Murph Sharknado-Style!
It was a brisk and slightly windy morning that saw 3 PAX make their way to The Underground. YHC was not the original Q, but with flight delays and an upcoming Murph, work we must! So we tackled the Mini-Murph SSV (SPAM Standard Version). DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH Sticky Butt
There is a Murph coming (that’s what she said)
May the Murph be with you….starts NEXT WEEK! For someone who is not great at PullUps, it’s time to get some practice in! The weather was perfect (to not wear a sweater) and the rain held off…time to get to WORK!!!! DISCLAIMER COP HIIT style Murph Training 2 min on
Deck Full O’ Murph
On a heat wave of a morning (almost cracked 50! Lol), 6 PAX came to “hang out” and get a little “practice” in for the upcoming Memorial Day Murph. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH LBAC (frontwerds and backerds) Seal Claps (front and overhead) Shoulder Pretzels Willie Mays Hayes (bounce wit me!)
The Ole Quint ‘n Sprint
7 of the studliest and manliest doods showed up in the dark of Arrowhead despite the fact I picked up the Q DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda imperial walkers hillbilly walkers sticky butt kickers ttt seal claps merkins THE THANG After discussing and determining that some visitors at Arrowhead
Murph Prep with a Deck of Cards
It was a beautiful morning at Underground this am. May the Murph be with you, is coming up along with the Memorial Day Murph. I’m not ready, so it’s time to get ready! DISCLAIMER COP SSH Big Baby Arm Circles ZigZag TTT Sticky Icky Butt Kickers THE THANG We ran
5 by 11’s is 55 right?
It was a surprisingly warm 56 degree spring morning. 5 PAX decided to challenge themselves with some 11’s in 5 stations (around the world style) to celebrate the YHCs 5th Q. The YHC still needs to step up his Q game and get more under his belt. DISCLAIMER COP Abe