9 pax came to put in work even though YHC was on the Q with a promise of leg day. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH, Abe vigoda, imperial walker, TTT, WMH (sort of), lbac, slow merkin THE THANG YHC was inspired and somewhat motivated from learning a new exercise last week.
Author: Jester
10 for Foo and two
10 pax were present, two of which had returned after a bit of a hiatus on a brisk December morn to play some cards DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh wmh imperial walker abe vigoda ttt lbac slow merkin. THE THANG Simple deck of cards Q however, since I am a Q
Arrowhead pax posted to workout
9 pax arrived this morning to what is clearly becoming the rogue AO of the region. So proud of my brothers. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH WMH through the tunnel imperial walker abe vigoda 10 burpees (just to say we participated and did our part for the challenge) THE THANG Mosey
‘Twas a cliché bday Q
9 pax graced Arrowhead with their presence on a perfect crisp Saturday for YHC’s bday Q…some were more on time than others. DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSSH imperial walker wmh thru the tunnel Abe vigoda lbac slow merkin all done in cadence THE THANGSince many pax have historically liked to do the number of reps per
A JR Boilermaker for the Pax
A perfect morning for some work DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSSH x15 IC grab coupon and mosey to playground for rest of dynamic warmup THE THANGWarm up by in: 3 rounds 200M jog 15 kettlebell swings 12 lunges 9 BBSU’s 4 rounds: 16 squats w/coupon 8 merkins 16 American hammer 8 broad jumps 200M jog bonus
10 Negative Nellies
10 pax arrived in the drizzle for a negative experience DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSsh abe vigoda imperial walkers wmh lbac merkins thru the tunnel THE THANG pax moseyed to the bleachers and split up into buddy pairs. Pax 1 performs main exercise while pax 2 performs another one to stay busy. all main exercises are
13 pax built their sleeves
13 pax + humidity – zero breeze still = 13 pax. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP ssh x 15 ic wmh x 10 ic hillbilly walkers x 10 ic abe vigoda x 10 ic lbac x 10 merkins x 10 ic THE THANG The pax showed up, mainly because they had nothing
Flo would be proud for how progressive we were
YHC plus 11 pax showed up for a dry, then wet, then dry workout. DISCLAIMERCOP motivator from 5 WMHx 10 ic hillbilly walkers x10 ic Abe vigoda x 10 ic lbac x10 forwards and reverse THE THANGGrab coupon and double time to the parking lot by the school. At each of
Ten 4 twenty 1
9 pax plus YHC appeared to face the humidity for another Thursday Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh x 20ic wmh (performed incorrectly sorry pbs) imperial walker x10ic abe vigoda x10ic slow merkins x10 ic THE THANG All pax grab their coupons and mosey to front of school. Place coupons at
Sprinting and FLORA
8 pax, some on time, others not so much, arrived at arrowhead for what turned out to be an unofficial 2.0 day with 38% of those in attendance being young’uns. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh x20 ic wmh 10 count mosey to turn 1 Abe Vigoda x10 ic, imperial walker x10