I dare you to find 12 better…ok 1 or 2 may be questionable; but for the benefit of the doubt we’ll include him…dudes in all of NETN than what showed up for part 1 of my bday q week. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda imperial walkers hillbilly walkers mtn
Category: Arrowhead (Indian Trail)
Frosted Tips
Well, YHC took the Q for this morning earlier this week and then the bottom dropped out for the temperature. With a quick turn into a typical winter-esque Q, YHC decided to take a throwback idea (frosted tips) and apply it to a beatdown. Basically, it seemed like a good
Everyone loves the Burpee PT
As far as I can tell, this was instituted by Rudy way back in May 2018 at Arrowhead. It’s since become something everyone – and I mean everyone, regardless of creed or persuasion – universally and unequivocally loves without reservation. Whenever it’s called, there is a joy that permeates the
And the Burpees continue…….
Perfect weather for burpees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Standard warm-up. THE THANG Ascending rep count per round (Round 1: 1 burpee, 1 other movement, Rd2: 2 burpees, 2 other movement) Run to light pole and back after each round. Rounds 1-5: Burpees and Chin-ups Rounds 6-10: Burpees and Squats with coupon
Burpees at My Pace
YHC is not a fast man. So when the call came out to be the most burpeeist, YHC had to be the Q to control the rate of burpeeage. With refrigerator weather, 13 Pax posted to engage in burpeephernalia. It was noted through mumble chatter that Spam told us to
Deconstructed Burpees with Miles
It was a cool 46 degree fall morning when 7 PAX decided to see what bobber had in store for them today in the Q. Sticking with the premise that this week is miles totals and next week is burpees. The YHC decided why not get miles in while preparing
It was cold and wet – everyone coming out knew what time is was…..3rd Tuesday of the month…. DISCLAIMER THE THANG Run around the school twice (.75 miles) 10 Pull Ups (sprint 100yrds) 20 Mericans (sprint 100yrds) 25 Dips (sprint 100yrds) 30 LBC (sprint 100yrds) x5 Run around school twice
New Ways to Merkin
It was a warm 54 degree morning when 5 doods showed up to challenge themselves. Since this week is the Merkin challenge with FiA the YHC decided to add some new ways to do merkins to get the numbers up for the AO. Great work men and thanks for joining
Smile for me Daddy
7 of the finest du…ok probably there was really only 6 of the finest; but seven were present to tackle the next challenge 🙄 this week of merkin mania. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda Willy mays hays mtn man pooper imperial walker (imperial walker) lbac seal claps merkins THE
Forgot the cool title we thought of during the workout
Here is the deal….SPAM signed us up to battle FiA. This week was Squats. HOW could we do a lot of squats, not a lot of the same squat and still have some “fun”. I found the Exicon, searched for Squats and found 10 that looked like fun. Ironically, 10