Disclaimer COP 8 PAX showed up for a supposed Summer Camp co-VQ with YHC. Only Summer Camp – who doesn’t use Slack – lost track of what day it was and never touched base with YHC. So it was only a tease – the VQ that wasn’t – as he
Category: Iron Horse (Founders Park)
The Pavilion Parking Lot Party
Nothing says party like a pavilion, a parking lot and a deck of cards. 6 PAX emerged out of their slumber for a fiesta like no other. COP SSH 25 IC Merkins 10 IC TTT 10 IC WMH 10 ct to R&L THE THANG Mosey to the pavilion parking
It wasn’t pouring but 6 still all managed to get soaked. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator and ‘Merkins THE THANG Proceed to the pavilion and work as a team to climb a ladder One side of the pavilion – BOPO’s and Mary Katherines The other side – 8 Count Man Makers
Swingline VQ 2.0
10 PAX came to pay tribute to Swingline who will be leaving Johnson City next week. YHC went digging deep into the backblast vault to uncover his VQ at Ironhorse back in October 2017. COP TTT 10 IC Abe Vigoda 10 IC LBACs 10 IC LBACs Reverse 10 IC Merkins
To-Do-List on Tombstone Hill
8 PAX on a calm 29 degree Thursday morning turned out to do some stuff. Good work, men! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 40 TTT x 10 LBAC x 11 forward/reverse Shoulder pretzels x 20 THE THANG Starting at bottom of Tombstoner Hill do a complete set of exercises (listed
10 Things Repeat
6 Pax showed up on a mild, rainy Thursday February morning to do stuff. Good work, men! Thank you for being there! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP THE THANG 5 Burpees 10 Kettle Bell Swings 15 Merkins 20 Overhead Presses 25 Curls 30 Rows 35 Squats 40 Flutter Kicks 45 American Hammers
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 6 PAX climbed out of bed on a 28 degree cool morning for a classic beatdown. 2 additional PAX were sighted rucking around Ironhorse. Warm Up TTT IC x 10 WMH IC 10 Imperial Walkers IC x 10 LBAC forward IC x 10 LBAC reverse IC
How Cold Is It?
Disclaimer COP – Sugar The cold weather during winter is a temptation to fartsack. YHC wanted to give the IH PAX an incentive to come out and post on a cold morning. The temperature this morning would dictate the number of reps for each exercise. The colder the weather, the
Ten Things, Ten Things, Ten Things…
3 Pax came out to the frozen tundra of Iron Horse on a breezy 17 degree Saturday morning with blocks in hand to do some things. Crampon was glad to finally be back in his home climate. Strong work, men! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 30 or 40, TTT x
EMOM, piece of cake right…..RIGHT???
7 PAX rolled out into the fog on a not too terrible 33 degree morning to do a few exercises every minute on the minute. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP All in cadence 30 SSS, 10 Hillbilly Walkers,10 LBAC forward, 10 LBAC backwards, Willy May Hayes THE THANG EMOM 5 different exercises