Conditions: Low 70s and partially cloudy Disclaimer Prayer COP 10 Burpees OYO 10 LBACs IC both ways 10 Hip Rotations OYO each way 10 Knee and ankle rotations OYO each way 10 TTTs IC – “Take notes Kardashian,” 2A 10 Windmills IC The Thang Ten Rounds of: 10 Merkins 10
Category: Iron Horse (Founders Park)
I’m sorry for what I said during burpees!
Weather: Beautiful, upper 50s 0525 – Friendly neighborhood BURPEE TRAIN. Several PAX joined the group as the train rolled by. It was at this point that YHC considered skipping the warmup, but then decided to press on as planned. COP – Brownie Disclaimer Warmup Merkins x10 OYO Hillbilly Walkers x20
Weather: Soggy. Temp in the upper 50’s. Perfect weather for some work. At Coffeteria, Donetello likened today’s workout as a diesel workout… we never really got the engines red-lined, but that wasn’t the point. Today’s workout was about torque. Low gear, high weight diesel torque. The QIC has had his
IronHorse Murph Miles
11 PAX met a modified Murph this morning, some being introduced to Murph for the first time. For others…this wasn’t their maiden voyage. With the real deal Murph coming up on Memorial Day and the announcement of a 1-mile AYG race in JC on June 7, it seemed fitting to
Bad Intentions
YHC has not been on the Q at Iron Horse for a quite a while. I wanted to reintroduce myself, just in case the Pax had forgotten. The Disclaimer sums up my intentions—they were bad. Disclaimer—Gentleman, I am not a professional, but I do intend to kick my own
Lightsaber Relay Race and Tribute to Leia
Time: 0530 Temp: 65 and Windy Disclaimer Prayer Warm up • Imperial Walkers (15 IC) • LBAC (20 IC) • Hillbilly Walkers (15 IC) • LBAC reverse (20 IC) • TTT (25 IC) • Don Quixotes (25 IC) • Mosey 1 lap around the circle The Thang • Gather at
Blackberry Winter
Conditions: 43 no rain but plenty wet, but lateral decline bear crawls warm you up real quick Jar Jar and YHC decided to co-Q and try some new things. 24 Pax chose the red pill and put in some work. Disclaimer: Jar Jar and Kardashian COP: Kardashian Warmup Mercans X
BE before you DO. Start with burpees.
14 men. 56º. A perfect day for 1.75 miles of suicide sprints and 1,400+ burpees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Merkins 25 IC Through The Tunnel 10 IC Shoulder Pretzels 20 IC THE THANG The “Thang” is five stations of two-man teams alternating between suicide sprints and cumulative burpees, with a group
2 Burpee Trains and a Unicorn Circuit Circus
Conditions: 50 degrees, Windy, cool, and extra windy COT Disclaimer Prayer TTT 22(IC) LBAC 22(IC) Forward Shoulder Pretzel 22(IC) LBAC 22(IC) Reverse The Thang: YHC wanted to gravitate away from Dora, Flora, and Doracides. I know those are always crowd pleasers, but we needed to mix things up a bit.
Schooled on a little Field Trip
16 PAX got up, took some risks, and got better. Condition report: Its heating up. Warm and humid. Disclaimer, partner up with a battle buddy. PAX were instructed to watch their partner and push him to his max. 0700 sharp began with motivator from 12 Quick mosey up tombstone. Partner 1