16 PAX showed up for a very light leg workout in 47 degree weather. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP • The Motivator (Starting from 8) • TTT 10IC • Imperial Walkers 15IC • Windmills 10IC • Hillbilly Walkers 15IC • Willy Mays Hayes 10IC THE THANG Same concept as Dora. Partner up.
Category: Johnson City
The Charge of the Light Brigade
On 25 October 1854, 600 British Cavalrymen charged the Russian cannons on horseback across half a league (1.6 miles) and only half came back. Today, the men charged their own half a league and gave tribute with 600. Poem – The Charge of the Light Brigade BY ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON
Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese and all the fixin’s
09/28/17 A warm 63 degree summer morning (in the fall) brought 21 PAX to Arrowhead’s 5:30 workout for my VQ. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Through the Tunnel X 15 IC Windmills X 15 IC Imperial Walkers X 15 IC Shoulder pretzels X 15 IC Burpees X 5 OYO THE THANG Mosey
B-Day Q + 1
16 PAX showed up to help YHC celebrate turning 33. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Circle of Pain is not the Circle of Warm Up. Slaughter Starter (20 Burpees OYO) 13 Burpees OYO (20+13=33 which happened to be the age YHC turned yesterday. Additionally, when YHC announced 13 Burpees OYO 2A
Do you feel lucky?
A perfect 59 degrees for 24 PAX to put in some work and go toe-to-toe in a burpee showdown. Glory had to bow out of the Q due to his full contact volleyball injury which left QIC little time to plan. Jobs 4/1 deck of death beat down from Saturday inspired
Iron Horse on ALARM
18 men set feet to the floor and decided to shake off the things that would hold them back. They set to work in perfect Fall morning conditions.. DISCLAIMER – as everyone was about to learn first hand, I am NOT a professional. PRAYER COP The warmup started with the
Hillacious Run Group
YHC picked up the run group VQ on run group eve. I figured we’d run. Rudy, Ponzi and the run group OGs usually bring fancy stuff that involves props, elevators, sphinxes and the like. Makes me nervous. I just brought sneakers and mapmyrun. Eight PAX are better for it. Weather:
The Honcho and Rudy Show
DISCLAIMER PRAYER – Donatello interruption #1 COP With the slight interruption of a train, we had an unplanned slaughtered starter.. Burpee Train AMRAP LBAC 20 IC Cherry pickers Reverse LBAC 20 IC TTT 15 IC THE THANG Split into 2 groups 1st group goes with Rudy to Tombstone Hill 2nd
4×1 Game of Chance
Beautiful morning brought 11 PAX out for 7:00 workout at Arrowhead. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Side Straddle Hop IC X20 Through the Tunnel IC X20 Willie Mays Hays IC X10 Imperial Walkers IC X15 Little Baby Arm Circles IC X15 Little Baby Arm Circles (Reverse) IC X15 THE THANG PAX drew
Always Recycle
Perfect 58 degree morning for QICs first weekday return to Iron Horse since the launch of Arrowhead. The combination of gloom, lights, and the amphitheater were nostalgic to say the least. QIC had signed up for the Q for a change of pace during the week and because brother Penn-Seagal