249 years ago today Joseph Priestley (an English scientist) discovered the element, Oxygen. What better way to honor his discovery than putting in some hard work that required the need for it! 6 showed up on a surprisingly temperate Tuesday to partake in the rediscovery of this precious element that
Category: Immortal Station (Jonesborough)
4 Corners with a Little Suck…REVISITED!
It was Wiz’s Q, but he had more important things going on like being at the hospital for his new 2.4 who is coming any day now! 10 PAX rolled out of bed (including a visitor from Downrange in Greenville, NC) for 4 Corners with a Little Suck…REVISITED led by
Lincoln Park Sauna Soaker Smoker
3 showed up for a hilly pre-ruck with an additional 2 rolling in for the start of a sweltering sauna soaker smoker at Immortal Station! We met at Lincoln Park (where there wasn’t a breeze to be found) to scope out a potential location. And what better way to experience
Mushashi’s 5 Rings
7 Pax, Summer gloom DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT x 10, WMH x 10 L/R, LBAC X 10 F/R, SSH X 15 THE THANG Mushashi’s Five Rings (Miyamoto Mushashi is the revered 17th century Japanese swordsman who wrote the Book of Five Rings.) https://allthatsinteresting.com/miyamoto-musashi Start out by doing exercise 1, then
Tabata Tuesdays – June Jitterbug
7 guys came out to listen to some 80’s tunes and get their hearts pumpin’ for our resurrected monthly Tabata Tuesdays with a rendition of the June Jitterbug in Jonesborough! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators | from 6 TTT | IC x 10 LBACs and BBACs | IC x 10/5 Imperial
TN Birthday Party
Since it was the first day of June, YHC decided we needed to celebrate Tennessee’s birthday. 227 years ago today (6/1/1796), we joined the USA as the 16th state. What better way to enjoy this special day than with 7 other HIMs willing to “volunteer” and work together to put
Build-A-Burpee Workshop
The rain was on and off throughout the morning, but that didn’t dissuade 4 fellas from putting in some hard work at Immortal Station #TheRidge on a gloomy Saturday! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 6 Slow Merkins | 10 IC Bat Wings | 10 each IC (LBAC Forward, LBAC Back,
April SHOWERS Bring May FLO…
The weather was great and the only showers coming down was the sweat that would be pouring off all of the brows of 6 dudes (4 with RESPECT) who decided to roll out of bed with their coupons for some Spring fun at Immortal Station. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from
The More…The Merrier! Ruck Workout
The potential for rain didn’t stop 6 HIMs from coming out to The Ridge on a gloomy Saturday to throw some rucks on and get to work! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSHs w/ Ruck | IC x 20 LBACs F/B | IC x 10 TTT | IC x 10 THE THANG MARY
50/50 Circuit Work
31° temps didn’t keep 6 dudes from coming out to experience the dynamic & static 50/50 Circuit Work with some tunes that didn’t quite meet the standards of the guys! 50 seconds of each exercise with a 10 second breather in between took us to the end without any time