4 gents turned out on a 25ish degree Saturday morning to be introduced to the GVT (German Volume Training) which slowed down the pace and allowed us to concentrate on form, shocking our muscle groups and staying together. This was completely foreign to Ababcabb as “slow” is not in his
Category: Northeast Tennessee
It takes two to make a thing go right. And a mummy.
12 doods came out to get real for another QvQ classic at Arrowhead.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPEtch led a motivator from 8 (mercifully down from 11), then a mosey to the swings. THE THANG PART 1 For my half, I was inspired by history. 100 year ago today, on February 17, 1923, English archeologist
A Few Things and More Than a Few SSH
Yes it is the middle of February, yes it is 55 degrees. 10 men in shorts and t-shirts rolled out in the middle of winter (or some variation of “________ spring”) to move around a bit. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 20 SSH, 10 slekins, 10 HBW, 10 LBAC forward, 10 LBAC
Valentine’s Day Massacre at Immortal Station
Seven pax- Summer Camp, Honeysuckle, Locks, Pam, Stryper (FNG), No Knock, and Thumper joined Cluck for 35-degree Valentine’s Day morning for some fun.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPTurn a heart on its side and you get 13, as in Motivators from…Through the tunnel and some arm circles completed the warm-up (calves burning).THE THANGWe moseyed with
14s on Tombstone Hill
9 men braved the cold and met downtown to put in some reps on a brisk Tuesday morning in February. Crampon welcomed home Abacabb from his tour in Kuwait by returning his bootcamp gloves. Great to have you back, Abacabb! Great work, fellas. Pick a day in March to get
Triple 10s on the Natural Adventure Playground
9 men showed up on an unusually mild, windy morning to put in some work at the playground as Google reports it is usually not busy at 5:30AM on Thursdays. Great work, men! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 21 Silent Count SSH- 10 burpee penalty if all do not finish at the
Track Time
9 Pax came out to clear skies, a full moon, and 32 degrees to put in some great work before starting the day. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Gutterball started us off with Motivator from 5 while the Q ran back to the car for an extra block. Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers,
Crazy Eights
Six stone cold killers showed up in 19 degree weather this fine Saturday morning Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Trotted from the track to the playground with an assortments of blocks and bags. Upper body warmup consisting of LBACs fwd and bkwd, Seal claps, shoulder pretzels, side straddle hops, and through
Cycles of AMRAP
Cold and rainy, but not windy, for 9 PAX this morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC Overhead Clap IC + Seal Clap IC + LBAC (forward and reverse) IC Hillbilly Walkers IC TTT IC OYO: 20 Curls + 15 Thrusters + 10 Blockees THE THANG Broke into 2 groups, stuck
Pulling at the Jail Cell
Upper 40s and a convenient gap in the rain allowed for 12 PAX including an FNG to come to put in some work. It’s a new year for Arrowhead. DISCLAIMER COP Side Straddle Hops IC x20 Imperial walkers IC x10 Hillbilly walkers IC x10 Through the tunnel IC x10 Willie