Weather app said 0% but 100% of our time was spent in light steady rain during which 5 Pax showed up to put in some work on a cool Saturday morning. Crampon coined the title of the BB. Great work, men! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH 31 IC WMH TTT Butt
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Kilo 5k for the Run-Loving Rangers
Disclaimer COP The kilo 5k has been credited to Rudy. It has been recycled several times throughout the F3NETN AOs and is considered a classic. It’s tough to finish this beatdown in 45 minutes, but 4 PAX on a nice 48 degree morning gave it their best effort. Warm-up TTT
No Mercy Mile made a comeback…well half of one did
8 pax came to do some work…some may or may not have broken out the thermal tights a wee bit early… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walker sticky butt kickers abe vigoda ttt THE THANG YHC realized that he hasn’t dusted off the ole No Mercy Mile Q in quite
First taste of cold
12 men put feet to the floor and braved 40 degrees as East TN takes a step towards Fall. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Even after all these years, leading instructions and cadence is a challenge to this Q. But, nothing is irrecoverable and after some chaos the IronHorse settled into a
13 PAX made it out on a cool fall morning because YHC promised some sloppy. slimy fun. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Each exercise is 45 seconds Squat with toe grabs Walkout + rotation – walk into plank rotate left arm up then right, walk back to standing Jumping Twist – toes
“Tailgator” Saturday Workout
6 Pax (FreezeFrame, Locks, No Knock, Homer, Snake Eyes, and Pam) joined Cluck to celebrate the dawn of Tennessee-Florida football weekend. DISCLAIMER PRAYER- “Lord, watch our steps, and may we glorify you in giving strength and encouragement to one another.” COP Since the spread for the game was 10 1/2,
Sharing with Zippo
8 Pax came out on a lovely overcast morning with a few sprinkles (not the kind for ice cream)> DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Zippo led us in LBAC, Reverse, Hillbilly Walkers, Imperial Walkers, Motivator from 5, TTT, and Sticky Butt Kickers THE THANG Doing a ladder of sorts. Each exercise was
Circle then Pounce the Field
Clear skies and a cool morning. My car went Canadian on me and said it was 19 degrees. 9 PAX came with ragtag arsenal of coupons, ranging from well painted cinder blocks, to cooler bags, to random stones. Hey, at least we showed up. DISCLAIMER COP Imperial walkers IC x10
7 of Diamonds
Disclaimer 15 PAX climbed out of bed early on a muggy 63 degree morning including a 2nd Whoopi sighting this week. Their reward? Diamonds… 7 of Diamonds. The Great Field is not exactly shaped like a diamond, but it would suffice. Warm-up SSH IC 25 Abe Vigoda IC 10 WMH
Jobs is a good assistant but asks too many questions
5 pax arrived on a perfect early fall morning. While doing warmups decided and declared it’s best to go thru one’s own tunnel. Plus during coffeteria we had a bonus pax. Great to see the great Penn-Segal. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator-6 ttt sticky butt kickers abe vigoda lbac merkins THE