It was a mild 70 degrees and 6 pax decided to start their day off with a solid workout. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC x20 LBAC IC forward/backwards x 10 Arm pretzels IC x 10 Imperial walkers IC x 10 Hillbilly walkers IC x 10 Through the tunnel IC x
Tag: bobber
180 BPM
A warm 71 degrees for this morning’s “gloom”. Coming off the Meet the Mountains festival, there was an excitement around F3 that brough 13 PAX to the flag. No FNGs today, but there was a certain energy level and mumblechatter…that is until we exercised it away. DISCLAIMER COP Imperial walkers
A Slow 60 to the Top
It was one of those good mornings, 63 degrees, 6 PAX, 6 Coupons. We were ready to go. DISCLAIMER COP Rocky Balboas IC x25 Imperial walkers IC x10 Hillbilly walkers IC x10 Abe Vigoda IC x10 Through the Tunnel IC x10 Willie Mays Hays IC x5 Sticky Butt Kickers IC
Last Time for Some Track-tion
With the potential of a game of Ultimate Frisbee for the last time on our track and field in the air, YHC came out to find 4 PAX and the need to audible. So, with that said, away we go! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH Willie Mays Hayes (bounce wit me!)
Push/Pull – Don’t forget your rubbers
Beautiful mid60s this am, a morning even Zippo could appreciate. 7 PaX showed up to see what Etch was talking about when giving the PreBlast saying Push/Pull/Partners…. Props to Daisy for the early am Ruck. Today, we had a once in a lifetime special ordeal….. Jake was on time. That’s
The Vern June 23
The morning looked to be cold and wet, not because the Spamtan and AOQ were absent but… the rain held off to a couple drops. The Vern comes once a month. Whether you look forward to it because you love it or watch the calendar so you can battle it,
7 Pax strung pearls but didn’t make a necklace
7 pax, mostly on time, and one in a loaner bougie truck, and one missing a beard arrived to get ‘er done. But i think more would have canceled all previous plans if they’d only known how the mighty Jobs would have been posing after Mary had ended… DISCLAIMER PRAYER
If the Q says power skip…pax power skips
10 Pax arrived to a clothing optional workout, and most of them were on time… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe Vigoda imperial walkers willy mays hays sticky butt kickers seal claps merkins THE THANG Post warm up (which is far different and way better than post Malone) pax moseyed to
11 Pax battled Fox Force Five and the Gimp
11 pax including a down range visitor made it out despite my obnoxious teasers the prior day DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walkers abe vigoda sticky butt kickers mtn man poopers ttt seal claps merkins THE THANG YHC recently rewatched Pulp Fiction after about a decade and became inspired by
THIS is todays title
7 dudes…that’s right 7 freaking dudes came out today despite the fact the city has totally trashed our AO DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSsh imperial walkers ttt mtn man pooper sticky butt kickers seal claps merkins Abe vigoda THE THANGYHC has recently watched a movie from “back in the day” and has been somewhat inspired to