It was a day. A morning day, to be precise. The kind of day that is in the morning, and starts off with a night. The night gives way to day, but not without the morning. We had that morning among us. And soon. Technically, the workout was held in
Tag: Etch-A-Sketch
Murph Time in TN…Are you ready?
3 studly studs showed up, knowing the annual running of the Murph is upon us, to get better and prepare for the beatdown. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Quick warm up. SSH x 20 IC, slow squats x 10, slow merkins x 10, LBAC’s forward IC x 14, reverse IC x 14.
The Vern
7 started but 9 completed the VERN this am. PBS Promised to bring the tunes, then rightfully blamed YHC – I’ll take it. NEVER again will we be without tunes. Was a gloomy sluggish morning. DISCLAIMER 3/4 mile run 5 rounds of 10pullups (100 yr dash) 20 merkins (100yr dash)
SPAM’s Ladder to Success!
2 PAX showed up on a warm spring Monday morning and had their climbing gear ready! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH Sticky Butt Kickers LBAC (frontwerds & backerds) TTT THE THANG Today’s Thang was a simple ladder that was designed to keep the group together. After each exercise, PAX that would
Focus and Push
Didn’t know what to expect, something told me the numbers would be low this am. So I figured I’d create a WiB that I could do by myself or with a partner. Spam never disappoints. DISCLAIMER COP We did some warm up things THE THANG 8 exercises, 1 min each.
20 Years Ago, It Was 2003
9 Pax joined together on a dark morning in the upper 40s. Just last week it was 20 years since YHC graduated college. And with an event like that, there’s only one thing to do….make a themed Q around it. Musical accompaniment included some of the top hits from 2003.
There is a Murph coming (that’s what she said)
May the Murph be with you….starts NEXT WEEK! For someone who is not great at PullUps, it’s time to get some practice in! The weather was perfect (to not wear a sweater) and the rain held off…time to get to WORK!!!! DISCLAIMER COP HIIT style Murph Training 2 min on
The Ole Quint ‘n Sprint
7 of the studliest and manliest doods showed up in the dark of Arrowhead despite the fact I picked up the Q DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda imperial walkers hillbilly walkers sticky butt kickers ttt seal claps merkins THE THANG After discussing and determining that some visitors at Arrowhead
Boy Named Sue
It was brisk morning with a nice showing by f Pax. There was even a Sketchy Dude with us this morning. DISCLAIMER COP Warm-Up: Bridge Lap; SSH x 20; TTT x 10; IW x 15; Hillbilly Walkers x 15; WMH x 10 THE THANG It was noted at an earlier Q the
AMSAP @ Underground!
The chill was real (34 degrees in late April!) for an AMSAP @ Underground led by YHC!!! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators (from 6) Bat Wings IC x 10 (Forwards, Backwards, Front Clap, Overhead Clap) TTT IC x 10 THE THANG AMSAP (As Many Sets As Possible) 12 Min Rounds per Set MARY