On this Memorial Day, 26 Pax gathered to pay our respects the only way we know how—honoring those who afforded us this opportunity with hard work and brotherhood. The Murph Challenge has become a Memorial Day tradition for many across the country, F3 included. I’ve said repeatedly, if I could
Tag: Jester
I feel the need, the need for burpees
Weather: 60 and absolutely gorgeous (not Penn-Seagal gorgeous but close) 24 PAX turned out on Memorial Day weekend for a Top Gun/Lone Survivor Q. Several of the PAX gathered at Pythagoras’ casa the night before to enjoy these cinematic classics so the rest of us deserved a taste.
Bears with blocks come
20 PAX (1 FNG) came out on this perfect, mid 60 degree day. Warm-up: Thunderstruck (side-straddle hops w/ high knee jump on “thunder”) Bring Sally Up (high to low plank) The Thang: “Welcome to The 700 Club!” 5 cones approx 25 yards apart. 7 exercises at each with differing reps
F3 Field Day at Arrowhead
Weather: Perfect…low 60’s plus lights were on BOM Disclaimer Prayer Warm Up: SSH x15 IC TTT x10 IC Willie Mays Hays x10 IC Hillbilly Walkers x 15 IC Slow squats x10 IC The Thang: 16 Pax posted to an illuminated Arrowhead to take put in some work while most are
Super Morning for a Super 21
Time: 5:30am Temperature: 57 degrees and awesome Lights: Dark Welcome/Disclaimer/Prayer Warmup I apologized to the PAX in that I feel like I’ve cheated them and disrespected the Slaughter Starter. In looking through the Exicon to my shame I discovered it’s 20 Burpees OYO not 10. Therefore: Slaughter Starter: 20 Burpees OYO
Weather: Soggy. Temp in the upper 50’s. Perfect weather for some work. At Coffeteria, Donetello likened today’s workout as a diesel workout… we never really got the engines red-lined, but that wasn’t the point. Today’s workout was about torque. Low gear, high weight diesel torque. The QIC has had his
3rd time is the charm….or the pain
Weather: 60 and perfect 21 PAX showed up motivated and packing blocks to enjoy a beat-down. QIC was delivering Q #3 for the week and was highly motivated by the lack of any PAX signing up for said Q. COP – Rudy Disclaimer Prayer Warm-up Run the track stopping
Murph teaser with a burpee bonus
Weather: 52 with a 90% chance of rain (which the Lord held off until COT) 17 PAX ignored the meteorologist and showed up in the gloom to put in some work COP – Rudy Disclaimer Prayer Warm-up TTT – 15 IC LBAC – 15 IC LBAC (reverse) – 15
Blackberry Winter
Conditions: 43 no rain but plenty wet, but lateral decline bear crawls warm you up real quick Jar Jar and YHC decided to co-Q and try some new things. 24 Pax chose the red pill and put in some work. Disclaimer: Jar Jar and Kardashian COP: Kardashian Warmup Mercans X
Hacer o no hacer no es lo intentes
Weather–62 and nice Time: 5:30am Light on the field: Apparently not anymore Accessories-(Backpack with stuffed Yoda + Sombrero)–It is May the 4th and Cinco de Mayo Eve Disclaimer Prayer Warm Up Slaughter Starter–10 Burpees OYO Imperial Squat Walkers x 20IC TTT x 20IC LBAC x 10IC each way Seal Jacks x