Warm Saturday morning for 9 PAX who cleared out Cheeks spreadsheet in one Q- Almost!DISCLAIMER SubPrime is not a Professsional !PRAYERCOPMoseyed over to Tombstone Hill (No Go in the Park for Warmup with Xmas trees still around). Motivators from 7 LBAC IC Forward and Reverse TTT x 10 WMH (Both
Tag: Kardashian (R)
Ironhorse Pays Back The Range
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 5 PAX gathered to pay tribute to the PAX from The Range who ran 1,080 miles in November and created a beatdown for the other AOs to complete in December. Warm Up Motivators from 8 Imperial Walkers IC x 18 Monkey Humpers IC x 18 Apollo
Downtown Tour
10 pax showed in the not to gloomy gloom. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X10 IC TTT X10 IC LBAC X10 IC<> Legs up Shoulder Pretzels X10 IC Seal Claps X10 IC IW X 10 IC Merkins X10 IC THE THANG Mosey to King Commons Christmas Tree, partner up. 1 –
4 Corners with a Little Suck @ Iron Horse
7 PAX rolled out of bed to better themselves at Iron Horse for 4 Corners with a Little Suck led by YHC! The temp was chilly at 28, but the blood got pumping and we warmed up!!! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The 4th corner includes some new burpee variations. So, used the
A Respect(able) Heat and Snow Workout
It was a cold winter morning at about 25 degrees and all of the RESPECT Crew showed up!!!! 7 PAX showed up to put in some work. I wish I recorded Kardashian, Chum, Hee Haw, Balk, Sugar, and Crampon doing the Surfees. They were riding the burpee wave like pros. However,
Pick Your Run: Near or Far
6 runners and 1 rucker braved the freezing rain to log some miles at the Hill this morning. Temp was 37 degrees with drizzle/rain/freezing rain at different times throughout the morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ponzi lap THE THANG Pax numbered off with odd drawing from the “Near” bag and even
Block Burpie Ladder
25 degrees – 7 Pax DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 20 SSHIC, 1 Burpie, 20 IWIC, 2 Burpies, 10 Slow Squat IC, 3 Burpies, 8 Merkins IC, 4 Burpies, 10 TTT IC – Stair Lap THE THANG Start with 1 Block Burpie – add a rep every set. Each set starts with
Lost on North Hills
45 degrees – 8 pax DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 8 min warm-up – 1 lap, agilites Workout – Interval Running – Out and back on North Hills Rd – Race Pace Intervals with Recovery Pace – front pax circle back on recovery 1 min recovery after each interval 3 x :20sec
20 Lap Challenge
40 degrees – 8 pax 2 warm up laps – dynamic and static stretch OYO THE THANG Run 4 Laps at Race Pace / Run 2 Laps recovery pace Run 2 Laps race pace / Run 1 lap recovery pace – Repeat for 2 sets total Run 1 lap at
Pythagoras says, “Don’t Count!”
Perfect 32 degree morning. 8 pax agreed. Workout focused on correct form… quality over quantity. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warmup – an assortment of usual warmup exercises, with some dynamic warmup mixed in. THE THANG Pretty much, keep running around the Pavillon doing 4 exercises each lap for 10 minutes. After