Was a warm 68 degree morning. You could cut the humidity with a spork. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH 30 IC TTT 10 IC LBAC 10 IC each dir THE THANG As a tribute to all of the teacher in the PAX, YHC decided to make a little lesson plan/ visual
Tag: Kardashian (R)
Burpee PT Test at Iron Horse
11 PAX rolled into Founders Park on a perfect 63 degree morning to put their burpee skills to the test. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Rev – 10 IC WMH – 10sec count each way Merkin – 10 IC Mosey to the sundial.
Cold Call 1 Yr Anniv Q
12 Pax showed up on a beautiful Saturday morning to put in some work. Cold Call was celebrating 1 year of regular beat downs and was much the better for it. In gratitude, he offered to sprinkle in some things he has learned over the last year in the 1
Time To Work
14 PAX on a partly cloudy 65° morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Merkins 15 IC Through The Tunnel 10 IC THE THANG I pulled out the sidewalk chalk for a 12 station “clock.” It was time to work. 1 Stair Lap 2 Derkin Wall Crawls (both sides of the amphitheater) 3
A Litte Speed Work Vol II
10 of NETN’s finest stepped onto the track at The Hill to let Monday know they run this show. Perfect 62 degrees for optimal calorie burn. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 IC 100m warmup moves – alternating high knees and butt-kickers Jog 3/4 lap THE
Fast Mile and 1:4
19 Pax took advantage of a top-notch morning to get better. And get better we did…inside the big top left over from a wedding last night. After several snotwaggler workouts back to back at IronHorse, YHC felt obligated to keep the streak alive. The streak is still alive. Weather
Block Party
It was a nice day for a block party! There was no food, drink, music or dance, but there was a block party. 61 degrees in the gloom with no rain, so glad the warm weather is back! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 TTT x10 Merican x 10
The Distance
A cool morning in the lower 50 degree range made for a perfect opportunity to listen to “The Distance” by Cake before the workout began. One Pax even thought it was warm enough to cool off in the nearby stream! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 25 IC Merkins X 10
A little Speed Work
7 PAX and Rite Aid’s 2.0 gathered in the gloom for some speed work as the Downtown Mile is quickly approaching. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 IC LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Reverse – 10 IC Jog a lap THE THANG 150’s – Sprint all out
Just a little core work with some burpees mixed in

The storms held off and 16 PAX mustered at Iron Horse for a Launchpad lead Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – 20(IC) TTT – 10(IC) Willy Mays Hays – 10 count each side LBAC 15(IC), reverse for 15(IC) THE THANG Phase 1 Burpees 50 Big Boy Sit Ups 10 Burpees