#F3Nation has made a successful #LEAP to Johnson City, TN 5 weeks ago. As part of the traditional #Expansion process, the first 6 weeks are led by existing F3PAX to help #giveitaway. Week 5 is the #snotwoggle designed to really give the newly formed PAX a taste of what a
Tag: Kardashian (R)
Modified Merkin Mile: Take 1
As VQ, YHC sought to work some running into The Thang. Mission accomplished, with Merkins added just for fun. THE SCENE 76 and cloudy. Lots of water standing around the AO Welcome, Disclaimer, BOM (Rite Aid) THE THANG SSH x 20 (IC) Hillbillies x 20 (IC) Lunges x 10 each
B.O.M.B.S Away!
Posted for Escape Hatch—who apparently spent too much time on a submarine while in the Navy and has Air Force envy. Disclaimer The THANG Warm-UP SSH x30 Imperial Walkers x20 Mosey to the South end of the park Through the tunnel x10 Don Quixotes x10 Mosey back to the flag Merkins x15 Squats x20 Mosey to the