8 showed up in 18 degree gloom to endure a Patience Is A Virtue lesson taught by YHC! We made it to the Farmer Carry! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 Bat Wings | IC x 10 with Big Baby Arm Circles at the end (5 IC) TTT | IC
Tag: Pam (R)
DORA B.O.M.B.S. (First Attempt of 2022)
The wet, rainy and bone-chilling cold morning gloom saw 5 PAX came out to enjoy the first attempt for 2022 of some cute DORA B.O.M.B.S.! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSHs (IC) – 20 / LBACs (IC) – 10 / BBAC (IC) – 5 / LBAC Reverse (IC) – 10 / TTT
Tabata Tango
9 guys showed up in 19 degree gloom for my Tabata Tango in Jonesborough! Those battle ropes are LEGIT!!! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Library Lap TTT | IC x 10 Bat Wings | IC x 10 THE THANG MARY Round Robin of Abs – we made it through 5 guys calling out
Sub-20 Flag Hand-off
It was a brisk 17-degree morning in the gloom for the 8 brave PAX to get some hard work done. We had a Cheeks and El Camino sighting about mid-Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC x20 Imperial Walkers IC x10 / Hill Billy Walkers IC x10 TTT IC x10 LBAC
Viva Las Legas
10 Pax in a balmy 30 degrees for a black jack inspired leg burnerDISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSSH x30, LBAC x10 (and reverse), Imperial walkers x15, hillbilly walkers x15, through the tunnel 10 ct., Willy Mays Hays 10 ct. (L and R), High knees across parking lot with butt-kickers backTHE THANGCards were drawn from
Too Many Reps to Count
26 degrees made for some chilly gloom as 11 daring dudes showed up for a heartwarming rendition of “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” with this Too Many Reps to Count beatdown led by YHC!!! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Quick Library Lap just to loosen us up before the fun
All In a Day’s Work
A quintet came out in chilly 39 degree gloom for All In a Day’s Work Workout led by YHC!!!!! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators (from 7) LBCs IC x 10 (Forwards, Backwards) Block Burpees (OYO) x 10 TTT IC x 10 THE THANG MARY No need to do ab exercises today CIRCLE
.50 CALIBER | B-Day Q
A beautiful October fall morning greeted 8 dudes ready to help me celebrate my 50th Birthday with a respectable .50 CALIBER Q! So, there were 9 all together who laid down reps and miles… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSHs | IC x 29 (since I was born on the 29th) Bat Wings