Well, it was expected to be a blustery and heavy rain type of day. Thankfully it was only a bit of drizzle…which btw is Snoops favorite type of rain. So, without regard to personal dryness 10 of the finest dudes (including Bobber) in NETN were able to come on out
Tag: zippo
Not not run group
7 doods rolled up on a cool January morning and, simply by doing so, crisply stiff-armed aging and mediocrity. “Get that mess out of my house!” many undoubtedly uttered to themselves silently, yet in perfect unison. Such are things at Arrowhead in winter. DISCLAIMER COP Insert information about the warmup.
Q #134
8 Pax joined each other at the now extra safe AO of Arrowhead (someone fixed the 3rd light) on a blistering 268.706 Kelvin morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh ttt imperial walkers ⛰️👨🦰💩 sticky 🍑🦵 Life cycle arm circles seal claps THE THANG YHC promised the PAX that they wouldn’t get
The VERN: December 2023 edition
5 doods showed up even though it was cold. Some whined, yet, they still showed up. Man cards were punched and validated, so free parking for all. DISCLAIMER COP IT’S THE VERN, BABY! Show up early if you want to warm up, suckas. THE THANG As Etch-A-Sketch says, “The Vern
PBS Birthday (Birfdae?) Q
Like most birthday Qs for me, it was cold, dark, and I was heavily clothed and surrounded by middle-aged men. Let’s get to it. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP+THE THANG Did a little descending ladder (in terms of number of exercises, not reps!) from 42. Included the warmup for 903 total reps.
Octomerkins for the win!
8 doods rolled up for proper beatdown in December. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG I got to do this with some family members at a cabin over Thanksgiving. It had a wedding pavilion on the property with 8 benches, so I brought my pull up
49 and Feeling Fine
Date: 12/2/2023 AO: #Arrowhead Conditions: Clear and Cool PAX: 3 DISCLAIMER & WARM-UP We kicked off the day with a dynamic warm-up to get our blood pumping. The PAX crushed it with: Imperial Walkers Hillbilly Walkers Slow Squats Willie Mays Hayes Etch A Stretch THE THANG In honor of my
12 PAX presented of their own willingness and volition. The air was thick and frigid yet didn’t cease the string-pulled empty banter. None the matter, we leaned forward and got to work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH Imperial Walkers Hillbilly Walkers Willy Mays Hays TTT THE THANG “Pole to Pole” 1st
Old school F3 baseball
12 doods arrived and did some stuff that was good. They did it well, but it was good to do and done for good, also good like what Superman does, but done well. They did good, well, well. DISCLAIMER COP Boilermaker type warmup except we actually stopped to warm up
Creeper Trail
Introducing the Creeper Trail, Arrowhead style. A frosty 34 degrees was the scene for 10 Pax trying something new. The Creeper Trail needs a little work, it’s not quite there, but it has potential. But trying something new is what keeps us excited. DISCLAIMER COP LBWC (not a typo –