62 at Wilderness Road this morning, with 3 PAX. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter starter, Motivators, Through the Tunnel, Matt Biondi, Abe Vigoda, Forward and Reverse Arm Circles, and Mosey THE THANG 20 reps and/or burn out of below, with down and back on band practice field. (200 plus yards) Balls
Category: Northeast Tennessee
But did you die? No
The morning temp was 64 degrees when 13 PAX accepted the challenge to attack the day and become better men. With a thick fog laying low it was very much “the gloom” DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – 25 IC, LBAC – 10IC, LBAC rev 10IC, TTT – 10IC, WMH 10
WEATHER 61 degrees DISCLAIMER It was quickly pointed out that the QIC forgot to say he was not a professional. An over sight on YHC part do to the exhausted state of the Q but at least YHC was not in the fartsack like a lot of the hibernating PAX
Let’s Get to Work
DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP LBAC (15 IC) Arm Pretzels (15 IC) Cherry Pickers (15 IC) LBAC Reverse (15 IC) Hillbilly Walkers (15 IC) Imperial Squat Walkers (15 IC) Hillbilly Rockettes (15 IC) Willy Mays Hays (10 IC) Abe Vigota (10 IC) Motivator (5) Agilities: Butt Kickers High Knees High Kicks Defensive Slides
Bear crawls. Crawl bears. Bears, bears everywhere.
Bear crawls and crawl bears.. Bears, bears everywhere!! 5-15-2018 Scrum Q Glorious 69F weather in Kingsport, TN at 5:30AM this morning. Mostly clear skies with hardly a breeze.. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We started counting down Motivators from 10 with each PAX taking one of the numbers. Part of the way
Time To Work
14 PAX on a partly cloudy 65° morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Merkins 15 IC Through The Tunnel 10 IC THE THANG I pulled out the sidewalk chalk for a 12 station “clock.” It was time to work. 1 Stair Lap 2 Derkin Wall Crawls (both sides of the amphitheater) 3
A Litte Speed Work Vol II
10 of NETN’s finest stepped onto the track at The Hill to let Monday know they run this show. Perfect 62 degrees for optimal calorie burn. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 IC 100m warmup moves – alternating high knees and butt-kickers Jog 3/4 lap THE
Wilderness Run 5/9/18
3 Men 4+ miles and as always the best 2nd and 3rd F Men shared just how strong their wife’s are and how we need to support them
Death Deck (Arms and Abs) – 5/10/18
Great weather but we showed up to a full parking lot. The students we all being dropped off to go on a field trip so we had to mosey to a empty spot. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter Starter (20 Burps) Crazy Arms Crunches Arm Circles THE THANG Merks / Block
More Fun than a Barrel of Monkey…I promise.
TIME: 0700 TEMP: 61F DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 30IC Merkins x10IC Squats x20IC Abe Begota x15IC Willie Mayes Hayes x10IC LBAC x15IC & Reverse THE THANG Pair up to perform the exercises. There are two stations with two exercises to perform; twice. 1st Station Hanging leg lift: Hang from