Shorts and T shirts FINALLY 3 Pax for a Saturday DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Notified the men that we were Qing without a weinke. So needless to say this isn’t accurate THE THANG TTT Merks LBACs Mount Climb High Knees Butt Kicker Circuit 6 things (Curls, Presses, Merks, Flutter Kicks, Crunches,
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Suns out Guns out
50 Degrees this morning DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP US Army PRT Prep drill THE THANG Modified Spartan 300 with blocks/sandbag 25 bent over rows 50 push-ups 50 jump knee tucks 50 deadlifts 50 curl to press 50 windshield wipers 25 Bent over row Mosey to track with block 2 X 25
T for Tuesday at Wilderness Road
6 PAX showed up for mid 40 degree morning at Wilderness Road. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Abe Vigoda, Through the Tunnel, Matt Biondi, Forward and Reverse Arm Circles, IC Merkins, and Mosey THE THANG Tires, blocks, and a trampoline!!! The But Kis and The Hodor: times three Flip/Farmers carry of Tire
Starting May off right…with Burpees, Blocks and Merkins
Twenty-two PAX got out of the warm sack for a chilly but spectacular morning at Arrowhead. We all lapped everyone on the couch (or in the fartsack) this morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Warm-Up • SSH (IC) X25 • Willie Mays Hays (IC) X10 seconds each leg • TTT (IC)
Dora Rides the Pickle Pounder Express
It was a cool 44 deg this morning, some of the PAX were stating that it felt a bit chilly. YHC new things were going to warm up quickly. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH (30) IC TTT (10) IC LBAC (20) IC both Directions THE THANG 17 dudes decided to get
Farm Strong
It was a beautiful Tennessee morning. Perfect for getting stronger and becoming better. Seven guys chose to show up and become better versions of themselves. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Valley Merkins x3 Abe Vigodas x 10 Rockette Hillbillies x16 LBAC x20 –> Cherry Pickers x20 –> LBAC in reverse x20 Motivator
Keep your eye on the ba—DOH!
Weather: 50 and fair. 12 Pax showed up to put in some work. There was almost a cage match fight over the Q as Baby had volunteered, but missed adding his name to the calendar. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warmarama: SSH X20 IC TTT X15 IC HW X10 IC DQ X10
Use Every Part of the AO
Beautiful sunny morning for 8 pax to trust me with their metabolic conditioning. DISCLAIMER COP We did some light warmup stuff. THE THANG 4 New workouts for pain and pleasure: Hill suicides: Mosey to the hills behind baseball field. 1 partner traverses the hill across entire length of one side
The Die will determine the distance and pain
Weather: 50 degree overcast morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Beginning with a core workout: In sequence (without breaks), 30 seconds each of Mt Climbers, American Hammers, BBSU, Plank jacks, flutter kicks, Peter parkers followed by Motivators x6 Jack Web 1:4 Merkins/Air press x 7 2nd sequence (without breaks), 15 seconds each
Blockstreet Boys
Perfect weather (55 degrees with little wind and no rain). 4 PAX. Little Debbie on Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Matt Biondi Stir the pot (w/ block) Hair Burner yoga stretch thing (w/ block) Mountain Climbers (w/ block) Parking Lot Mosey to Band Field (w/ block) Are you catching on to