So we had a snowy, rainy mix all night. When it was time to post, the weather was about 34°F and quite rainy. It was wet enough to be miserable and cold enough to keep the slush from melting which also kept us miserable. 9 PAX braved the weather on
Category: Northeast Tennessee
An Ab-Solute Good Time
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 34 degrees. Rain, slush. 3 PAX overcame the temptation to fartsack. Warm-up SSH IC x 20 TTT IC x 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC x 10 LBAC forward IC x 10 LBAC reverse IC x 10 The Thang Mosey to Pavilion. Captain Therkins – 1 BBSU and
Underground Mini-Spartan
6 PAX arrived on a cold President’s Day prepared for a special guest Q, but like much of the past year, an audible was called. Big shoutout to Moneypenny for providing the workout plan. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 25 WMH x 10 (L/R) Imperial Walkers x 10 LBAC x
The Least Bromantic Workout
34 degrees and falling. This will be the warmest part of this day. 6 roused to put in the work DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP YHC faked out the group by opening with side-straddle hops from 4, 5 burpees, and high knees running in place. Light…winded stretching followed. THE THANG Wanting to
Circle of Fire
11 Pax circled up to try to make fire in this chilly gloom… Apparently we had heat and smoke, but no flames, maybe next time! Great work gents… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP IC – SSH – 20 IC – Show Girls – 20 (Rockettes) IC-Hill Billy Walkers – 20 IC-LBAC 10
American Blackjack
Short on time I stole a classic Jester Q. 9 doods rolled up to get their cardio on. 35, slight rain, wind of about 10MPH kept it super, super fun. DISCLAIMER COP Roving warmup with coupon to the hill. Cold start, Slaugtivator from 6. Windmill x 10 IC, TTT x
Snakes and Ladders
8 PAX rolled into The Hill on a chilly morning ready for Monday Runday. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm-up lap followed by a dynamic warm-up on the field THE THANG Partner up for some snakes and ladders Partner 1 begins running a snake on the football using every 10 yard line
Belated Groundhog Day
Wet and miserable mid 30’s and rainy. QIC = Honeysuckle. Of note since the IS PAX were unable to make it out on Tuesday Feb 2nd for Groundhog Day, YHC held onto this Q for an opportune time…… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The lines were blurred this morning between COP/The Thang.
A Heart-Felt Gift
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 5 PAX including a FNG “Marshy” arrived on a rainy, 39 degree morning. Valentine’s Day Eve and no one picked up the Q. YHC brought a “heart-felt” special gift – the BOPOvator – to Ironhorse and it was well received by the PAX. The ongoing Bromance
It’s Polka Baby!
6 PAX came out on a gloomy, wet, and chilly morning to be encouraged by the angelic sounds of the comedic genius Alfred Matthew Yankovic. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 5, LBC, Willie Mays Hayes THE THANG While we enjoyed the best of Weird Al we started with 11’s –