Balmy 20 degree morning with clear skies and plenty of frost. QIC – Honeysuckle DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSSH (IC) X 25 Imperial Walkers (IC) X 25 LBACs (IC) X 10 forward, 10 reverse, 10 overhead claps, 10 seal claps THE THANGMosey to the parking lot at the bottom of the hill with coupon
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Seeing Shadows
Disclaimer COP – Sugar Snowing. 28 degrees. Groundhog day. 4 PAX looking for their shadows and found it. Warm-up SSH IC x 20 TTT x 10 IC LBAC forward x 10 IC LBAC reverse x 10 IC Merkins x 10 IC The Thang After seeing our shadows, YHC predicted 6 more weeks of
Arrowhead is 4
14 PAX took advantage of an open AO to come celebrate four years at Arrowhead. 28°F and snow meant the schools were on delay, later to be closed, but we weren’t. DISCLAIMER COP SSH x25 Abe Vigoda IC x10 Imperial Walkers IC x10 LBAC IC x10 fwd/rev Seal claps IC
Qing by the seat of my pants
3 Pax made it out in what was predicted to be snowy weather only to find a cool 36 degrees and minimal precipitation. We even had Telegram join us. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – IC x 33 WMH – 10 count each side and middle Merkins – 10 up-downs SSH
Quick Audible to 8’s & Loops
10 PAX got out from their warm fartsacks to enjoy the spitting rain/snow and a discussion about if/when school closures may or probably wouldn’t happen. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP YHC took the Q yesterday, had a plan, but then found it wouldn’t be very feasible with the Vaccine setup around Freedom
Hills & Loops & Stuff
Monday Dec. 14, 2020. It is getting cold. It was a bit damp….we ran. It was okay. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ponzi lap, stretching, some high knees, butt kickers, and sprints on the football field. THE THANG Went back to the old AMHAP to start. Mosey’d to the Pactolas road hill
A very cold 22 degree clear morning was conquered by 6 pax. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WARMUP SSH x 25 IC TTT SLOW x5 IC (it is a stretch afterall) High Knees in place x 10 IC Hand Release Merkins x 10 OYO Boat Canoe x 10 IC Slow Squat Jump
Late Again VQ
But at least co-Q Homer wasn’t. Balmy 21 degrees and clear. Workout requested from the freezer by Locks that Honeysuckle did back in June. DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPTTT (IC) X 10WMH X 10 ct each sideLBACs (IC) X 11, reverse X 11Motivator (from 7)shoulder pretzel (IC) X 10 THE THANG The infamous Kilo
Time Trials
4 PAX braved the sub-20 degree weather to put in some work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm-up lap around the track Motivator from 5 WMH- L/R/M Hillbilly Walkers LBAC Merkins x 5 Low slow squat x 5 2 minute lap THE THANG 1st F results from posted spreadsheet were shared with
3 Stooges
Cold morning with beautiful clouds covering the sky. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 5, LBC, Hillbilly Walkers, Imperial Walkers THE THANG 3 Brave PAX moseyed to the playground and did a modified BOMBS. 50- Pullups 100- Overhead Claps 150- Merkins 200- Freddie Mercury 250- Twinkle Toes After all completed that