6 Pax braved the wind and 41-degree temp to complete a stolen Chipper YHC found on the back blasts from last week. Really the 41 was quite warm compared to the last few weeks, but the wind did add a nice discomfort to the Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Since YHC
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Searching for hills
10 PAX unsacked for an alleged “heat wave.” DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Lap around the track High Knees to the 20 and back Butt Kickers to the 20 and back THE THANG YHC heard rumors that there were hills around the AO. PAX went searching for these hills in an Indian
The Range Has Hills – Winter Convergence 2021
51 PAX from the seven AOs from across the NE Tennessee region gathered at The Range on a clear but cold 23 degree morning to celebrate Winter Convergence with a tour of the host AO’s most popular hills. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The seven AOQs led warm up. LBAC (F and
Chilly Chipper
4 PAX arrived at Arrowhead on one of the most brutal mornings YHC can recall. 34 degrees and mixed ice/rain pouring down. Jester threatened to pull rank as the AOQ but YHC was way ahead of him. The beatdown would take place under the cover of the field house. DISCLAIMER
Relay Chain of Pain
Seven Pax including one FNG showed up expecting to put in some work and your’s truly hoped a team-based challenge would not disppoint. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 10 IC Through The Tunnel x 10 IC Willie Mays Hayes R & L Merkins x 10 IC Imperial Walkers x 10
Alexa claimed it was 34 degrees with a slight wind at 3.2 miles per hour. The ground was wet and there was minimal precipitation. 2 pax braved the conditions to put in some work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Nothing, we got straight to it. THE THANG One pax was dealing with
That Was Unpleasant
So we had a snowy, rainy mix all night. When it was time to post, the weather was about 34°F and quite rainy. It was wet enough to be miserable and cold enough to keep the slush from melting which also kept us miserable. 9 PAX braved the weather on
An Ab-Solute Good Time
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 34 degrees. Rain, slush. 3 PAX overcame the temptation to fartsack. Warm-up SSH IC x 20 TTT IC x 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC x 10 LBAC forward IC x 10 LBAC reverse IC x 10 The Thang Mosey to Pavilion. Captain Therkins – 1 BBSU and
Underground Mini-Spartan
6 PAX arrived on a cold President’s Day prepared for a special guest Q, but like much of the past year, an audible was called. Big shoutout to Moneypenny for providing the workout plan. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 25 WMH x 10 (L/R) Imperial Walkers x 10 LBAC x
The Least Bromantic Workout
34 degrees and falling. This will be the warmest part of this day. 6 roused to put in the work DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP YHC faked out the group by opening with side-straddle hops from 4, 5 burpees, and high knees running in place. Light…winded stretching followed. THE THANG Wanting to