Not gonna lie the weather was perfect……perfect, perfect, perfect and the turn out was not too shabby as a few “less than frequent” PAX made the most of it. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 10 Cad SSS, 10 Cad TTT, 10 Cad OHC, 10 Cad LBAC, 10 Cad LBAC reverse, 10 Cad.
Tag: Applebutter
Well, that was dumb
9 men ignored the cold temps and braved a Saturday morning tour of downtown DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The morning started with extra credit with a burpee train arriving 4 minutes early, since some of the Pax were stalled by the train, YHC made sure to officially start with another 10
It wasn’t pouring but 6 still all managed to get soaked. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator and ‘Merkins THE THANG Proceed to the pavilion and work as a team to climb a ladder One side of the pavilion – BOPO’s and Mary Katherines The other side – 8 Count Man Makers
EMOM, piece of cake right…..RIGHT???
7 PAX rolled out into the fog on a not too terrible 33 degree morning to do a few exercises every minute on the minute. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP All in cadence 30 SSS, 10 Hillbilly Walkers,10 LBAC forward, 10 LBAC backwards, Willy May Hayes THE THANG EMOM 5 different exercises
A Salute to the year 2011, ’cause 2021 stunk
10 rose from slumber in the golden week between Christmas and New Years. It is unseasonably warm but, no one is complaining DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Since we just missed a train, 10 burpees OYO, TTT to 11, SSH to 11 THE THANG Q remembers this time of year, as where,
Did not feel like 23 for long
It was cold and many comments were made about the temperature. YHC intended the temperature to be irrelevant quickly. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Alternate 25 SSH’s with 5 Burpees until all agreed it was starting to warm up. THE THANG Proceed to tombstone hill and work off a double 11 Bottom
11’s left us feeling chipper
33 degrees and 3 PAX gathered for some coupon fun. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH(IC)-25 10 burpees OYO LBAC(IC)-10 WMH- 10 count lap around park THE THANG Mosey to tombstone hill with coupons for 11’s squat thrusts at the bottom run to the top for WW2 sit-ups. Upon completion, PAX mosey
Dora: The Musical
A clear cool morning allowed for 8 pax to learn about extended remixes. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Danger Zone, Kenny Loggins: SSH until you hear the words “Danger Zone”; then a burpee for a total of about 21. Flower, Moby Up and Down as instructed – 1/2 the song: Squats; 1/2
There might be a song about you
It was a near perfect 68 degrees and 13 PAX plus two wandering ruckers were out and about at Iron Horse. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Briefest warmup ever – 5 burpees OYO What Happened PAX were instructed to take their coupons to the parking lot overlooking the amphitheater. Partner up and
Blocky McBlockerton
10 PAX got out in the rain and stayed there!!! It was great to see so many dedicated men. DISCLAIMER COP SSH, WMH, LBAC, don quixote, slow squat, THE THANG We stayed in the rain but mostly stayed on our feet and moved some cinderblock around a bit. A ladder