12 PAX braved the perfect weather despite Applebutter’s assumption that Ida would be making an appearance. The Q was caught a bit by surprise when he realized he was…… in fact…. responsible for the days activities. We were paid a visit by our name sake and had a couple long
Tag: Applebutter
It’s not yet Fall, Ya’ll
YHC thought he felt a chill in the air, by the end of the morning he knew he was wrong.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOP10 Burpees to start, SSH’s and some slow streches.THE THANGMosey to cemetery hill, 11’s with ‘Merkins and BBSU’s, Bernie Sanders halfway up the hill. Once finished, back to the amphitheater for
Completely Different than Tuesday
7 Pax rolled in for the Thursday show, which was completely different than the Tuesday show. Burpee Train DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 THE THANG Mosey to Tombstone Hill 11’s, Overhead Press at the bottom and Little Baby Crunches at the top Wild Wing Lap 20 Derkins 20 Block
Exponent Work at Ironhorse
9 pax made it to a perfect setting to put in some work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 5. (and a Twilight Sighting) THE THANG 1 km bearcrawl 10 km run 100 burpees 1000 squats 10000 flutter kicks (8350 acheived) MARY Who’s got time for that? CIRCLE OF TRUST PRAYER
Alarm – Time
The thermometer said 68, that cant be right. Felt more like 90. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH, ‘Merkins, bridge lap THE THANG Broke out the ALARM for the 7 that set theirs this morning. ALARM stands for Arms, Legs, Abs, Run, and ‘Merkins. 3 levels all 25 reps for round 1.
DORA went for a park crawl
Better late then never BB from Saturday the 17th at IH. A bit of leftover dampness didn’t slow down 8 PAX as we shared the load with a brother for a few laps around the park on a beautiful Saturday morning. Someone made a promise to 3mile that we wouldn’t
Trip Back to the Moon
Disclaimer COP – Sugar Fifty-two years ago today, man walked on the moon. The Apollo 11 mission was to perform a lunar landing and return back to Earth. 9 PAX set their alarms this morning for a trip back to the moon. The weather was a cool 65 degrees… perfect for launch. Warm
Shark Week
10 Rolled out on a picture perfect summer morning to unknowingly celebrate shark week. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Side straddle hop to 33 then various stretching. THE THANG In 1988 a young startup cable channel was looking for ways to increase viewership during the summer. No doubt, there were many ideas
More Cinder Block (No Cowbell Available)
7 eager PAX showed up and showed out on a humid seasonable Saturday morning requesting more cowbell… All that was available were coupons, humidity and some mumble chatter. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 5 WMH TTT Mosey to the bridge for some LBACs, shoulder pretzels and overhead claps. We found
Guns & Roses
59 degrees greeted 7 looking to get their 80’s rock on. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 10, TTT X10, 5 burpees OYO THE THANG Over to the field to work on a Guns and Roses circuit. YHC decided 25 reps of everything gave us one less thing to worry about