Cold—dang it winter—you are drunk, go home. DISCLAIMER PRAYER—skipped it to demonstrate that prayer is not a requirement before the workout. COP Rolling start -> mosey around track to corner 1 -> SSH (10 IC) & LBAC (10 IC) -> mosey to corner 2 -> Imperial Walkers (10 IC) &
Tag: Gutterball
Record Recycled Q
First morning without rain this week and 15 PAX stood ready to put in some work at Arrowhead. 4 PAX were already putting in work, grinding out some ruck PT on the field. Attendance the past Saturday had been lack-luster so QIC determined a recycle with a slight modification was in order.
“Super” Black Jack on the Hill
30 degrees, snow had fallen overnight. Brisk breeze, 16 ready PAX. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Side Straddle Hop (SSH) X 10 Through the Tunnel (TTT) X 10 Little Baby Arm Circles (LBAC) X 15 forward and backwards Mericans X 15 IC one lap around the track Plank on six, mericans X
No More Merkins…..
Gloomy, soggy rainy, mid-40s, DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP LBACs (IC) X 10, reverse (IC) X 10, Chinooks (IC) X 10 The Merkin (IC) X 10 TTT (IC) X 10 WMH 10 count on QIC The Merkin (IC) X 10 – right about here is where the mumble chatter ceased because the
Wet March 1st Merkin Challenge Launch
20 PAX dragged themselves out of the fartsack to enjoy a rainy Arrowhead morning. The Merkin challenge has started and the QIC was determined to knock out a few the gloom. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Had to start with Merkins (of course)! Merkins IC X10 SSH IC X10 Merkins IC X5
Anger issues? Not anymore…
25 PAX gathered in the gloom of Arrowhead on this warm summer….wait it’s February! Why is it 65 degrees? Well we will take it! DISCLAIMER Warm up – slaughter starter Willie mays Hays on command THE THANG 4 stations set up evenly around the track. Each station has 4 assigned
No music at Arrowhead
Perfect 58 degree morning to put in some work. 24 PAX descended on Arrowhead to do some work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 15 IC Merkin – 10 IC WMH – 10 IC LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Reverse – 10 IC Slaughter Starter – 20 burpees OYO THE THANG
Pull-ups and Running and Burpees, oh my….
5 PNGs showed up in the gloom along with 18 other PAX for a Honeysuckle Anni – Q Gloomy, low 50s, windy, rainy, gloomy, wet and gloomy DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 WMH X 10 count on YHC Motivator from 8 LBACs (IC) X 15 both directions and
A Deck of Cards (with the Jokers) is Always Handy!
18 PAX rallied around an under-the-weather leader to push through a blast from the past. Puddles were everywhere but they were avoided. This time. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 8 Merkins IC X10 TTT IC X10 Willie Mays Hayes X10 count each leg LBAC IC X20, Reverse IC X20, Chinooks
Res Ipsa Loquitur
17 energized PAX arrived on a pleasant morning for February (low 30s) for a simple Q that would keep heart rate strong. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter Starter – 20 Indian Run 1 Lap TTT- 15 IC LBAC – 15 IC Reverse LBAC – 15 IC THE THANG Pax each had a partner.