34 degrees and falling. This will be the warmest part of this day. 6 roused to put in the work DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP YHC faked out the group by opening with side-straddle hops from 4, 5 burpees, and high knees running in place. Light…winded stretching followed. THE THANG Wanting to
Tag: Kardashian (R)
Slow Spellers
5 pax showed up in the balmy 39 for a game of Boggle DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 20 IC TTT X 10 IC WMH 10 <> LBAC X 10 <> IC IW X 10 IC Merkins X 10 IC THE THANG YHC attempted to give the pax what they
Pactolas Repeats
6 Runners braved the frosty 20ish degrees and potential black ice. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Let’s go THE THANG Run VIA Skateboard Hill to Pactolas Hill. Start at corner of LB Blvd and Pactolas. Run to Monringside and back to 2nd light, then 3rd. Continue ladder to end. CIRCLE OF TRUST
Super Bowl 55 Pre-Game
11 PAX arrived at Iron Horse on a brisk 30 degree morning to put in some work ahead of Super Bowl Sunday. YHC had not offered up a Q in what would probably amount to the entire NFL season so it was time to knock the rust off. DISCLAIMER PRAYER
Arrowhead is 4
14 PAX took advantage of an open AO to come celebrate four years at Arrowhead. 28°F and snow meant the schools were on delay, later to be closed, but we weren’t. DISCLAIMER COP SSH x25 Abe Vigoda IC x10 Imperial Walkers IC x10 LBAC IC x10 fwd/rev Seal claps IC
Quick Audible to 8’s & Loops
10 PAX got out from their warm fartsacks to enjoy the spitting rain/snow and a discussion about if/when school closures may or probably wouldn’t happen. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP YHC took the Q yesterday, had a plan, but then found it wouldn’t be very feasible with the Vaccine setup around Freedom
A very cold 22 degree clear morning was conquered by 6 pax. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WARMUP SSH x 25 IC TTT SLOW x5 IC (it is a stretch afterall) High Knees in place x 10 IC Hand Release Merkins x 10 OYO Boat Canoe x 10 IC Slow Squat Jump
Holy Shoulders, Batman!!!!
8 men got up and got out to lift heavy things for 45 minutes, and make Applebutter’s M notice his arms!!! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Very Slow TTT x 5 THE THANG Round 1: 13-minute AMRAP Ladder with three movements (1 of each, then 2 of each, then 3…) Curl/Press –
Keep rollin, rollin, rollin, rollin…..
6 fellas with aspirations of playing in the snow had to settle for chilly wind and a few flakes in the face. Last minute Q led to some dicey decisions. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 20 cadence Side Straddle Hops 10 second Willy Mays Hayes each side 10 TTT 20 cadence Arm
Mountcastle HILLS
It’s good to be known for something. YHC is known for Qing interval training workouts. YHC hates them but hates them a little less with company. 11 PAX for a tour of N Roan St and Mountcastle Hills this 40 degree, spitting rain, gloomy morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT x