13 PAX showed up coupons in hand eager to hit it at Arrowhead on a perfect 65 degeee morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter Starter – 20 burpees OYO TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 counts both sides LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Reverse – 10 IC Just cause we
Tag: Launchpad
Steam at the Boilermaker
Seventeen PAX made their way to the innagural soft-launch of the new high-intensity AO—The Boilermaker. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I was smoked, which is kind of the point of a high-intensity AO. DISCLAIMER—Point of emphasis given the nature of the workout. PRAYER THE THANG (A) Dynamic warm-up (Jog,
Lungetastic Leg Day
26 PAX assembled on this 67 degree morning thankful for the reprieve from the rain. Little did they know the “punishment” that was in store. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – 25 IC Through the Tunnel – 10 IC Willie Mays Hays – 10 count to each side Imperial Walkers –
All Push No Pull, Not Cool
The rain stopped minutes before 17 PAX gathered to put in some work. Gutterball, fresh off of vacation, brought some new ideas and a few ideas from @F3GsoCougarTown. DISCLAIMER Gutterball is not a professional, but he talked with a professional last week and came to realization that we push a
Sprints, Steps, and Stadium
9 PAX found themselves with a perfect 55 degree morning for Monday Runday. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 count each side LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Rev – 10 IC Warm-up lap to finish on the field High knees to the 10 and butt-kickers back
Where are we going now?!
Mid 60’s, overcast, and humid. 14 men showed up. 14 men got stronger. 14 men made it home. DISCLAIMER PRAYER Motivator from 10 (with a bonus second round of 7 just for fun. Or because Q forgot how to count…) Merkins IC x 12 Mosey to parking lot on other
Everyone, meet “Fat Amy”
16 pax worked out. HARD. DISCLAIMER COP Motivator from 11 (thanks, Queen!) LBAC x 10 IC f/r Inchworm x 5 OYO TTT x 10 IC Willy Mays Hayes x 10 Indian Run 1/2 mile. THE THANG I stole this directly from cross-fit. It seems more F3 than cross-fit, with the
Combos and Core Work
18 PAX descended on Arrowhead ready to put in some work on a perfect 64 degree morning. Typical mumblechatter ensued from the usual suspects. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The customary Arrowhead Jester butt slap has become akin to the striking of the gavel in a courtroom calling the Q to order. TTT –
Cold Call 1 Yr Anniv Q
12 Pax showed up on a beautiful Saturday morning to put in some work. Cold Call was celebrating 1 year of regular beat downs and was much the better for it. In gratitude, he offered to sprinkle in some things he has learned over the last year in the 1
But did you die? No
The morning temp was 64 degrees when 13 PAX accepted the challenge to attack the day and become better men. With a thick fog laying low it was very much “the gloom” DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – 25 IC, LBAC – 10IC, LBAC rev 10IC, TTT – 10IC, WMH 10