8 pax, some more on time than others appeared in the gloom on this wonderfully crisp spring morn. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh ttt imperial walker abe vigoda big baby arm circles (because who has time for little ones) slow squat merkins THE THANG YHC wanted to celebrate many of the
Author: Jester
Someone took my parking spot
5 pax followed instructions and posted with a bag as their coupon on a perfect mid-high 40°’s morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP ssh wmh imperial walker abe vigoda Lbac merkins THE THANG YHC was inspired by the boilermaker (especially since I couldn’t post for the boilermaker yesterday) for a deck of
6 for laps and reps
6 pax appeared on a perfect 44° degree morning for the promise of not having to transport coupons DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 5 abe vigoda lbac TTT slow merkin imperial walker THE THANG Pax were to stay on the track but to run laps with four stations per lap
Easy like Saturday morning
6 pax arrived on a rain free but soggy Saturday morning for a guaranteed burpee free workout DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH, wmh, TTT, slow squat, imperial walker, lbac, merkins THE THANG pax took off on a leisurely stroll around the AO carrying a coupon to string some pearls at various
No Mercy Mile was Mortal Kombated
A total of ten pax showed up in the gloom even though they knew no chinooks were going to be performed. Take that Honeysuckle DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP ssh wmh lbac Slow merkin abe vigoda TTT THE THANG So the “no” to what the pax were trying to figure out was
11 pax posted for a workout
Well, whether they wanted to or not came out on a 58° balmy and humid January morning DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walkers wmh abe vigoda lbac merkins THE THANG Pax were instructed that the thang was going to take place on the track that circumvents the baseball field
Under the pavilion is still outside
6 veteran pax arrived this morning at arrowhead despite less than desirable weather conditions. Thus we used our collective experience to decide to workout under the pavilion…mostly DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh TTT imperial walkers lbac merkins THE THANG standard deck of card workout focusing on the arms ♥️ merkins ♦️Dips
Four for six and two hundy
Three pax showed up to keep YHC from being alone on a crisp cool January morn. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda TTT slow squat lbac Merkins THE THANG The track was assigned 4 stations to complete reps and exercises at each . West midpoint 25 curls, south end 25
5 pax and 2 doras
Well it wasn’t 5 for fighting, Ben Folds 5, nor to my M’s dismay, Maroon 5. But 5 pax did brave the dry 42° temps on New Year’s Eve for a bit of a workout. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda wmh TTT lbac slow squat slow merkin THE THANG
A deck can build sleeves too
On a rainy 50° pre winter storm warning morning 3 pax gathered…under the pavilion, because well #arrowhead. DISCLAIMER COP ssh wmh TTT imperial walkers abe vigoda lbac Merkins THE THANG Simple sleeve building deck workout…and mostly dry too ♠️ block shoulder press ♥️ dips ♦️ Merkins ♣️ Block curls aces