11 Pax decided to start the 32 degree morning with a taste of Black Jack in the Immortal Gloom. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC x21 Modified Bat wings IC (11x forwards/11x reverse/11x seal claps/11x overhead claps Imperial Walkers IC x21 TTT IC x11 Bridge Lap THE THANG The PAX used
Category: Immortal Station (Jonesborough)
Immortal 30 returns – with a few tweaks
7 Pax arrived to the damp grounds of Immortal Station this morning. The rain was gone for now, but Cheeks was still nowhere to be seen. He must have stayed somewhere dry. Temperature was somewhere in the mid-40s with little to no wind. PRAYER- Warmup- These were sort of in
12 PAX assembled in the gloom that hinted of Spring weather to come and formed up into teams to get some work done.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPWMH, TTT, IWx10 IC, LBAC x10 F/R IC, INCH WORM x 2, SSH x 10 ICTHE THANGPAX grouped into 4 teams of 3. BREAD AS A TEAM, COMPLETE
1st & 10 Again
Mid 30’s (and no rain!) for a dozen PAX who came out for a Honeysuckle Tuesday AM Q plus a Rudy & Xzibit sighting! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 LBACs (IC) X 10, reverse (IC) X 10 Slaughtivator from 8 THE THANG Mosey to the Parson’s Table lot
That Was Unpleasant
So we had a snowy, rainy mix all night. When it was time to post, the weather was about 34°F and quite rainy. It was wet enough to be miserable and cold enough to keep the slush from melting which also kept us miserable. 9 PAX braved the weather on
Circle of Fire
11 Pax circled up to try to make fire in this chilly gloom… Apparently we had heat and smoke, but no flames, maybe next time! Great work gents… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP IC – SSH – 20 IC – Show Girls – 20 (Rockettes) IC-Hill Billy Walkers – 20 IC-LBAC 10
Belated Groundhog Day
Wet and miserable mid 30’s and rainy. QIC = Honeysuckle. Of note since the IS PAX were unable to make it out on Tuesday Feb 2nd for Groundhog Day, YHC held onto this Q for an opportune time…… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The lines were blurred this morning between COP/The Thang.
Freezeframe Tabata
10 men showed up for Freezeframe’s VQ on a mild gloom in the 50s.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPWMH x 10 L/R, TTT x 10 IC, IW x 15 IC, LBAC x 10 F/R IC, MOTIVATORS X 4 ICTHE THANGTABATA ROUND 1,3: 40 sec work, 20 sec recovery MERKINS, BIG BOY SITUPS, BURPEES, SSH BRIDGE
11 daring dudes decided to don their workout duds and blocks in quite nice weather for February and find out that LOVE HURTS sometimes. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter-vators | from 6 Bat Wings | 10 each IC (LBAC Forward, LBAC Back, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps) Van Goghda | New Exercise
Catch Me If You Can
11 fellows assembled and got moving on a cold gloom.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPIW x 10 IC, TTT x 10, WMH x 10 L/R, SSH x 10 IC, Frankenstein MarchTHE THANG1. Catch Me If You Can Run from AO to Caboose. Grabbed Partners. Partner #1: Run Backwards for a 20 count, then jog. Partner