16 doods rolled out on a beautiful, humid morning for some pre-dawn dominance. Last Q for this guy for a couple months. I decided to go with something travel themed as it seemed appropriate. DISCLAIMER COP Inchworms x5 TTTx 10 LBAC x 10 IC forward and reverse Slaughtivator from 6
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Showers & Flowers
The weather was great and the only showers coming down was the sweat that would be pouring off all of the brows of 8 daring dudes who decided to roll out of bed with their coupons for some Spring fun at Immortal Station. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Hillbilly Walkers | 20
BDay 5k
9 Pax came out to celebrate YHC’s 33rd. I felt like it deserved a run around The Range to celebrate. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 5 TTT x10 WMH R and L x 8 THE THANG To signify the rotation around the Earth, YHC designed a loop that was exactly
ABril Wednesday
On short notice, YHC took the Q for Ripcord who is on IR for the immediate future. Ripcord has covered the Q for many a Pax on short notice so this is the least YHC could do for him. The rest of the Pax may not have been as happy.
Rangers invade the tranquility of Arrowhead
YHC was humbled and completely blown away at the fact that several pax from The Range wanted to show me their support…or it was perhaps the initiative of posting at all AO’s in a 2wk span. I’m not quite sure… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP All in cadence ssh wmh imperial walkers
50 on the Corner
7 made it to the mighty Iron Horse for an ideal morning DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Stair lap, Motivator from 5, TTT. THE THANG A trip around the triangle block with 50 movements at each corner. Wild Wing corner – 25 reverse crunches & 25 squats Bottom of cemetery hill –
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no… it’s Dora Bombs.
4 Pax kicked complacency in the teeth and strolled into the gloom like champs this morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – 10 IC Merkins – 5 IC transition into a 60-sec plank WMH – 10 count each leg and center LBACs – 10 IC forward and reverse. light mosey 100
Ease On Down The Road
On a cool spring morning 10 PAX started the weekend with some road work.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPTTT x 10 IC, WMH x 10 L/R, IW x 10 IC, LBAC x 10 IC F/R, SSH x 10 IC, Free stretch while the THANG was explained.THE THANGDivided PAX into 4 Groups for a team SCOUT
The Quest for 1000
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 6 PAX w/ coupons in hand. The objective: the quest for 1000. The April Ab challenge assigns points for various exercises and YHC wanted to Q a beatdown to score at least 1000. Mission accomplished on this perfect 47 degree morning. Warm-up Field lap SSH IC
90’s Called and they want their music back
4 beastly PAX came out on a cool day that ended with the perfect amount of rain to cool us down DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 5 – LBC – BAC (Big Arm Circles) – TTT – WMH THE THANG Started with 20 Merkins, 20 Dips, 20, Squats Mosey to