9 pax worked. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Mosey to playground. Toy Soldiers, Inchworms, Slow squats did it. THE THANG Inspired by my recent acquisition of some resistance bands (tough to pull at the ends but easy in the middle), I made a workout. Mosey to the playground. Start at the benches
Tag: Jobs
The Range Has Hills – Winter Convergence 2021
51 PAX from the seven AOs from across the NE Tennessee region gathered at The Range on a clear but cold 23 degree morning to celebrate Winter Convergence with a tour of the host AO’s most popular hills. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The seven AOQs led warm up. LBAC (F and
Chilly Chipper
4 PAX arrived at Arrowhead on one of the most brutal mornings YHC can recall. 34 degrees and mixed ice/rain pouring down. Jester threatened to pull rank as the AOQ but YHC was way ahead of him. The beatdown would take place under the cover of the field house. DISCLAIMER
No Mercy Mile was Mortal Kombated
A total of ten pax showed up in the gloom even though they knew no chinooks were going to be performed. Take that Honeysuckle DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP ssh wmh lbac Slow merkin abe vigoda TTT THE THANG So the “no” to what the pax were trying to figure out was
The Number 9
Decent Winter morning for 10 Pax to put in work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 9 Through the Tunnel (9 IC) LBAC and Reverse (9 IC) 9 Inch Worms Mosey to playground THE THANG Part 1: Partner Up. Partner 1 runs to last light pole and back while partner 2
Arrowhead is 4
14 PAX took advantage of an open AO to come celebrate four years at Arrowhead. 28°F and snow meant the schools were on delay, later to be closed, but we weren’t. DISCLAIMER COP SSH x25 Abe Vigoda IC x10 Imperial Walkers IC x10 LBAC IC x10 fwd/rev Seal claps IC
Two Clydesdales
Two Clydesdales were seen strolling through Arrowhead on a calm 25 degree morning. These majestic creatures display their power and grace in the form of burpees and mountain climbers and jump squats. On this morning one Clydesdale appeared to communicate instructions while the other appeared to recite numbers. DISCLAIMER COP
Under the pavilion is still outside
6 veteran pax arrived this morning at arrowhead despite less than desirable weather conditions. Thus we used our collective experience to decide to workout under the pavilion…mostly DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh TTT imperial walkers lbac merkins THE THANG standard deck of card workout focusing on the arms ♥️ merkins ♦️Dips
2×400 Reprise
10 months is long enough to recycle a Q, right? I like this one and it works for me with little prep for when life throws the hot garbage at me that it has this week. 9 doods showed up to get a little better. DISCLAIMER COP Inchworms, LBACs, TTT
Four for six and two hundy
Three pax showed up to keep YHC from being alone on a crisp cool January morn. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda TTT slow squat lbac Merkins THE THANG The track was assigned 4 stations to complete reps and exercises at each . West midpoint 25 curls, south end 25