The weather was great and the only showers coming down was the sweat that would be pouring off all of the brows of 8 daring dudes who decided to roll out of bed with their coupons for some Spring fun at Immortal Station. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Hillbilly Walkers | 20
Tag: Thumper
Alarms and Bombs
We had 11 Pax show up on a somewhat soggy morning. The ran held off the entire time. DISCLAIMER COP Bridge Lap SSH x25 TTT x10 WMH 10 sec to the right, 10 sec to the left. LBACs x10 forward, x10 reverse Slow Merkins x10 Slow Squats x10 THE THANG
Memorial Prep AMRAP
11 Pax gathered in the gloom with block or bag for some strenuous preparation for next month’s memorial day WOD.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPTTT x 10 IC, WMH x 10 L/R, IW x 10 IC, SSH x 10 ICTHE THANG Perform as many rounds as possible until MARY called for. 1 Round = Pull-ups
Up and over
4 pax came together in a balmy 57 degrees for some hill work (and some points for the latest challenge!) DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x10 LBAC x10 and reverse Imperial walker x 10 Hillbilly walker x10 Through the tunnel Merkins x 10 THE THANG Pax went back and forth between
100s on the smaller hill
12 PAX found themselves at Immortal Station on a perfect 50 degree morning ready to do work. YHC decided to recycle a Q from a few weeks ago. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC Imperial Walker – 15 IC Slow Squat – 10 IC LBAC – 10 IC then
Swan Song Run
9 Pax enjoy the crisp but brutal cold this morning. The first day of spring took a back seat to watch us blossom. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC x20 LBAC IC x10 OH Claps x10 T-Claps x10 TTT x10 10 count to right and left while in TTT. THE THANG
50ish and dreary. The rain held off for 7 PAX DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 WMH (IC) X 5 LBACs (IC) X 10, reverse (IC) X 10, chinooks (IC) X 10 Imperial Walkers (IC) X 25 THE THANG The AMRAP Mile – 8 exercises and 2 stations on
Someone Needs an A.L.A.R.M.
11 Sleepy Pax were in need of an A.L.A.R.M. for the first workout after the leap forward to daylight savings time. It was a comfortable 45 degrees but you wouldn’t have known it for the lack of mumble chatter that greeted YHC during the warmup (seriously, it was like zombies
Kilo 5k at Immortal Station
8 PAX on a bright spring (almost) morning showed up for some work DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughtivator from 7. That’s enough. THE THANG Time to get down to business. The infamous Kilo 5K the Thang this morning. Station 1 was in the back corner of the parking lot and station
Lucky 7’s
10 Pax came out on a warmer morning than what we’ve had. We sweated quickly. DISCLAIMER COP Bridge Lap SSH x25 TTT x10 LBACs x15 forward x15 reverse THE THANG We stayed in the parking lot for what has been named Lucky 7’s merkins block burpees v-ups curls squats rows