9 pax (plus one drive by from one of Johnson City’s finest) showed up and worked out. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP ssh imperial walker ttt abe vigoda sticky butt kickers lbac merkins THE THANG Everyone knows it gives me great joy to call out any and every opportunity to drop a
Author: Jester
Babe learns about devo
3 pax unassed the fartsack despite the threat of impending doom of 0-3” of the most threatening snowfall in history this weekend.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSsh imperial walker abe vigoda ttt sticky butt kickers lbac merkinsTHE THANGAll the pax were made aware of was that the workout would consist of needing a coupon and
5 for a chilly Dora
4 of arrowheads faithful; well at least the faithful that didn’t have hamstring issues, self imposed…or M imposed temperature minimums, or the recently engaged; plus a NETN visitor (that I believe secretly enjoyed our humble AO perhaps more than his own) unthawed themselves to come for a workout. DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSsh lbac abe
We three don’t need a title
2/3 pax arrived on time and the third arrived precisely when they planned to. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh wmh ttt Imperial walker abe vigoda sticky butt kicker mtn man pooper lbac THE THANG Three pax moseyed to the swings for a round of 11’s consisting of underdogs and squats Following
A duo for a deck
Happy thanksgiving and ssssoooooo thankful another arrowhead pax arrived so YHC would actually be motivated and accountable to get out of the car. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh wmh abe vigoda imperial walker merkins lbac THE THANG Simple deck workout ♦️ Merkins ♥️ Freddie Mercury’s ♣️ Curls ♠️ Squats Aces =
45’s all over the place
7 pax including a Charlotte area transplant…welcome Etch-a-Sketch, posted on a wonderfully brisk Tuesday morning for YHC’s bday Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda wmh imperial walker sticky butt kickers lbac merkins THE THANG Throughout the annals of history the number 45 has meant many things to many different
A not not run club AO tour
6 pax put in a heck of an awesomely fantastic superb job today. Plus our brains were definitely getting a ample supply of oxygen because 3rd eye blind, Toad the wet sprocket and DMX were all mentioned. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH abe vigoda sticky Butt kickers imperial walkers lbac merkins ttt
Outnumbered by FIA 2-1
Three pax became more studly than the day before. However it was quickly noticed that FIA outnumbered us so after the warmup we quickly moseyed to the Thang area. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda sticky butt kickers ttt lbac merkins THE THANG YHC was back on the Q for
Reps and laps
Due to the cooler weather last week YHC eagerly put on a long sleeve shirt for today’s q…interestingly it was 10° warmer than last Tuesday. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP ssh abe vigoda imperial walkers Wmh sticky Butt kickers mtn man poopers lbac merkins THE THANG Laps and reps around the track
7 pax arrived in the gloom knowing YHC had to modify per dr’s orders DISCLAIMER COP ssh wmh ttt imperial walkers lbac sticky butt kickers THE THANG Since YHC is nursing a pinched nerve in his neck the dr ordered to stay clear of upper body exercises that stressed the