Gloomy, 5 PAX strong with Honeysuckle as QIC for a pre-Murph warm-up routine. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH (IC) X 15 TTT (IC) X 7 Imperial Walkers (IC) X 15 LBACs forward/reverse + chinooks (IC) X several reps THE THANG With New Year’s Day Murph looming and 2020 on it’s way
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Hee Haw’s 2020 Year End Block Party
I was joined by 2 other PAX on a seasonably mild and dry New Year’s Eve morning to toss around some coupons and finish out 2020 strong! Strong work, men! DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARM-UP 21’s- no penalty WMH X 10 ea side LBAC, Seal Claps, and OH Claps- 15 ea Nice
One minute at a time by Ripcord
5 Pax rolled into the gloom on what can be described as a balmy 38 degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WMH – 10 count each side TTT – 10 IC Abe Vigoda – 10 IC 20 Dips OYO Mosey around the track and then to the church. THE THANG January brings
Christmas Day, 12-Days
3 Pax braved the COLD, SNOWY, ICY gloom. Underground had about 3-4 inches of fresh snow to welcome them on a White Christmas morning. Twas the morning of Christmas and all through the town, only 3 creatures were stirring as they moved slowly through the snow to Underground. DISCLAIMER PRAYER
C-ya 2020
8 PAX came out to The Range to say adios to 2020 on a coldish (Chum & Subprime both started discarding garments early on) start to the 365th day of 2020. DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPWe moseyed up to the flat parking lot via the Beanie Route. Because it was discovered during 2020 that Whiplash
A foggy and damp 32ºF morning as 6 PAX came to bootcamp for an end of the year BDQ. 2 others (Ponzi and Faceplant (R)) were seen through the fog and the customary jibber jabber had ensued when paths were crossed. DISCLAIMER COP SSH IC x20 LBAC ICx10 fwd. and
Mini Murph
Disclaimer/COP – Sugar With New Year’s Day right around the corner, it was time to practice for the upcoming Murph. 2 PAX joined YHC on a 36 degree, foggy morning for a mini Murph. Warm Up Hillbilly Walkers IC 10 led by Swingline TTT IC 10 led by Hee Haw
Circle of Pain
3 PAX gathered for an after Christmas workout. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT X 10 WMH L/R x 10 Abe Vigoda X 11 Imperial Walkers x 11 LBAC Forward/Reverse x 11 Medley of Merkins- Standard Merkin (x 10), Wide Merkin (x 9), Prime Time Merkin (x 8), Hand Release Merkin (x
Roll the Die
One PAX, one 11°F morning. DISCLAIMER What was disclaimed was not spoken COP Start under the pavilion to avoid the ice SSH IC x25 – what was cadenced was not spoken Abe Vigoda IC x10 Toy soldiers and butt kicks across the pavilion THE THANG Walk to the playground. All
JOBO Reindeer Run
11 PAX showed up to put in some work on a soggy gloom in the low 50s. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – IC x 25 Imperial Walkers – IC x 15 Hillbilly Walkers – IC x 16 LBAC – F&R IC x 10 each direction Seal Claps – IC x