So we had a snowy, rainy mix all night. When it was time to post, the weather was about 34°F and quite rainy. It was wet enough to be miserable and cold enough to keep the slush from melting which also kept us miserable. 9 PAX braved the weather on
Tag: Locks
Belated Groundhog Day
Wet and miserable mid 30’s and rainy. QIC = Honeysuckle. Of note since the IS PAX were unable to make it out on Tuesday Feb 2nd for Groundhog Day, YHC held onto this Q for an opportune time…… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The lines were blurred this morning between COP/The Thang.
Freezeframe Tabata
10 men showed up for Freezeframe’s VQ on a mild gloom in the 50s.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPWMH x 10 L/R, TTT x 10 IC, IW x 15 IC, LBAC x 10 F/R IC, MOTIVATORS X 4 ICTHE THANGTABATA ROUND 1,3: 40 sec work, 20 sec recovery MERKINS, BIG BOY SITUPS, BURPEES, SSH BRIDGE
Catch Me If You Can
11 fellows assembled and got moving on a cold gloom.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPIW x 10 IC, TTT x 10, WMH x 10 L/R, SSH x 10 IC, Frankenstein MarchTHE THANG1. Catch Me If You Can Run from AO to Caboose. Grabbed Partners. Partner #1: Run Backwards for a 20 count, then jog. Partner
Duck, Duck, Goose
11 PAX gathered in the cold to start the weekend and got in a workout with coupons and the mobile pull up station.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOP ABE VAGODA X 10 IC, TTT X 10 IC, WMH X 10 IC, IW X 10 IC, QUAD STRETCH OYO, FRANKENSTEIN MARCH X 10 IC, LBAC X
The Descent into the Triangle
11 PAX turned out in the sub-30 degree gloom to make themselves better. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 7 TTT – IC x 11 IW – IC x 15 LBAC (F&R) – IC x 10 10 Burpees OYO THE THANG Round 1 Descending sets of 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Dora the Unicorn & The Wall of Triple Pain
Cold – QIC = Honeysuckle DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 SSH (IC) X 25 Imperial Walkers (IC) X 25 LBACs (IC) X 10 forward, 10 reverse THE THANG Dora, start in the parking lot. Partner 1 completes reps while partner 2 runs a bridge lap. Switch off until
Deck & Dice
9 PAX thought it was a bright idea to come out in the frosty fog to enjoy a rather annoying game of Deck & Dice led by YHC! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator – From 7 Bat Wings (LBAC-Forward, LBAC-Backward, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps) – IC – 10 BBAC – IC
Bread Crumb Run
7 PAX arrived in the cool gloom to roam about the AO.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPTTTx10 IC, IWx11 IC, LBAC F/R x 10 IC, Motivators x 5 IC, AMRAP Burpees for 1 min. (1STF Challenge)THE THANG: BREAD CRUMB RUN PAX DIVIDED INTO 2 GROUPS RUN #1 GROUP 1: SCOUT RUN CARRYING 10 CONES STOP
Recovery Q from Murph
9 PAX showed up for a recovery Q from the Murph. Weather was a beautiful mid 50s. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP LBAC IC x10 TTT IC x10 Merkins x10 Suicides Normal Down High knees back x 3rds THE THANG Mosey to Cluck Hill P1 Abs Workout. 200 of each Dying cockroaches